Are you about to throw in the towel and give up on your goals? If you’re facing challenges in your personal or professional life, know this: It’s not uncommon and everyone has experienced it at some point. However, no one is worth giving up on their goal. Here are 228 quotes to help you stay motivated while working towards your dreams.
This is when you need to remind yourself that not giving up is always the right choice. Although some people might say that giving up and falling short of your goals is more comfortable than pushing through and facing the risks that are associated with succeeding, nothing can be further from the truth. You can also find some more quotes on ShmoopQuotes And Buboquote
1. Deciding what you want is the first step in getting what you want out of life.
2. Don’t wait because there is no right time to live your dream.
3. Put your dreams beneath your feet and tread softly.
4. Learn from your failure and start again.
5. You can’t fly if your dream dies.
6. Don’t wait for inspiration, get up and go to work.
7. You can achieve your dreams by realizing that you control your destiny.
8. Let your dreams motivate you to overcome your nightmare.
9. The hunger to accomplish our dreams is developed by taking responsibilities for ourselves.
10. Small dreams don’t move the heart of men.
11. You can own the future by believing in the beauty of your dream.
12. You can reach for the stars and change the world by trusting your dream to change the world.
13. Do not spoil what you have because of your need.
14. Don’t stop yourself from fulfilling your dreams.
15. Try again and fail better if you can.
16. Don’t be limited by people’s limited imagination and don’t limit others because of your limited imagination
17. Irrespective of your root, your dreams are worth living.
18. Dream like you will live forever; live like you will die today.
19. Follow where the path leads and leave a trail where there is no path.
20. You don’t finish tomorrow, what you haven’t started today.
22. Don’t buy into a leader before you buy into their vision.
23. Loving what you do is the best way to do great work.
24. Don’t worry about who will let you, think about who will stop you.
25. Trust makes responsibilities easy than their absence.
26. Not trying is twice disappointing as failing.
27. A repeated approach to things produces the same result.
28. Don’t stop irrespective of your speed.
29. Remind yourself always that Creativity is inexhaustible.
30. Don’t be interrupted by those who said you couldn’t.
31. There are no mistakes to those who rarely try something new.
32. On the other side of fear lies everything you ever wanted.
33. Being unproductive is the best way to avoid criticism.
34. Your courage determines whether your life shrinks or expands.
35. Boldness is the starter kit to living your dream.
36.Your decisions determine your outcome, not your circumstance.
37. You cannot achieve your dream by living someone else’s life.
38. Doing less than is expected of you is the worst strategy to living your dreams.
39. We rise by lifting others.
40. Life becomes meaningful when we overcome challenges.
41. It’s never late to be what you’ve ever wanted to be.
42. Admitting helplessness is the common way we give up on your dreams.
43. Stepping out of what you are, brings you into what you will become.
44. You can’t achieve your dream by remaining in the trial stage.
45. The decision to act is the first challenge to living your dreams.
46. You can’t achieve your dream by giving in to your fears.
47. Courage is what keeps your head up when everyone around you has theirs bowed.
48. Don’t bother about one person acceptance when you have a million acceptances from others.
49. Unfold your myth irrespective of how things have gone with others.
50. Do not underestimate yourself; the rest of the world is as insecure as you are.
51. Act in confidence till you become confident.
52. Having the right mental attitude keeps you ahead of your game.
53. Optimism is the hope and confidence that leads to the achievement of dreams.
54. Nothing breeds doubt and fear than inaction does.
55. No achievement was ever made without a conquest.
56. Disbelief is the greatest barrier to achieving our dreams.
57. Successful people have the same worries unsuccessful people have, but it doesn’t stop their dreams.
58. Self-acceptance compensates for our feelings of un-acceptance.
59. Confidence comes with not being afraid to be wrong.
60. You can only achieve your dreams by being yourself rather than please others.
61. Success requires self-confidence from long term preparation.
62. You can achieve your dreams by duplicating a successful personality’s lifestyle.
63. You compliment yourself by being grateful to others.
64. Make the best of the way things turn out and things will turn out best for you.
65. Acknowledging your qualities is the foundation of all abundance.
66. Share your courage with others irrespective of your fears.
67. Contentment is realizing you contain more than you seek.
68. Not learning from experience is the worse experience to have.
69. Money doesn’t bring creativity and happiness, creativity and happiness brings money instead.
70. What we give and get is how we make a living out of life.
71. Never stop sharing happiness.
72. We can achieve our dreams by eliminating our troubles than letting them grow.
73. We should not judge what brings joy to others and we will not be judged by what brings joy to us.
74. You own your world when you are content with what’s yours.
75. Do what you like and like what you do. That’s where true happiness and freedom lies.
76. Don’t give up before your dreams come true.
77. Learn to accept the challenges that come with achieving your dreams.
78. You will fall into someone else’s life plan if you don’t design yours.
79. Fight failure and don’t succeed at things that do not matter in life.</h2>
80. Of all ways to achieve your dreams, habit is key.
82. You can’t achieve your dreams with a lack of plans.
83. Achieving your dreams requires a laser-like focus.
84. Sleep becomes less important when you have a real interest in life.
85. You need to step out of your comfort zone to achieve your dreams.
86. To achieve your dreams, you need to quit doing less than excellent work.
87. Achieving your dreams requires small efforts, repeated over time.
88. What you have, where you are, and what you can do, are the best tools for achieving your dreams.
89. Those who are afraid to try will always tell you not to pursue your dreams.
90. Be bold enough to give up the good for the great.
91. Success is the best measure between sanity and genius.
92. Blessings often come disguised as bitter trials.
93. Living your dream is finding out what you are destined to do and doing it.
94. You must be responsive to change to achieve your dreams.
95. Create opportunities if they don’t happen.
96. You need the courage to pursue your dreams if you need them to come true.
97. Chase your passion, not money.
98. Those who cannot risk the usual will sure settle for the ordinary.
99. Ridiculous goals are better than no goals.
100. Giving up on your dreams leaves you empty.
101. Not starting is worse than failing.
102. Celebrate milestones as you pursue your dreams.
103. Don’t get lost in thinking only about the challenges and obstacles before you, think only about your ultimate destination.
104. Don’t focus on what you are up against, focus on your goals and try to ignore the rest.
105. Ignore people who try to tell you what to do or think, follow your instincts and goals instead.
106. Make opportunities off obstacles.
107. Leisure pace isn’t the best way to follow your dreams, it needs 100 percent of your effort.
108. You can’t become a success without giving life all you’ve got.
109. Being human puts you between your appetite and dreams.
110. Stop sitting with people who mock you for your dreams, they won’t help you succeed.
111. There is no better time to pursue your dreams than now.
112. Your dream will give up on you when you give up on it.
113. Moving past fear is the best ways to break past our limitations.
114. Dreams don’t come true until you work on it daily.
115. You are in a dead-end street if you rely on people’s acceptance.
116. You become impotent the moment you doubt your potency.</h2>
117. Inferiority requires your consent for it to be valid.
118. Stay true to your hustle, you can’t control people’s opinion of you.
119. You are stronger and braver than you are till you doubt it.
120. Your dream will build you when you’re done building it.
121. Fall in love with yourself so deeply that the universe will affirm your worth.
122. You are better than those who said you are worthless.
123. Everything crumbles when you believe you can’t do it.
124. Reality has no business with you and your dreams.
125. Nobody arrives at a future they do not conceive
126. You don’t take “no” for an answer when you know what you want in life.
127. A dream come true is beyond description.
128. Dreamers are the real magicians of the world.
129. Achieving a worthwhile dream requires patience.
130. To become successful, you need to give life everything you’ve got.
131. Everything we can imagine is real.
132. The biggest adventure we can take is to live the life of our dreams.
133. If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, you will meet with success.
134. You alone have the power to transform your thoughts and dreams into physical reality.
135. If dreams don’t come true, nature won’t incite us to have them.
136. Trust your instinct and pursue your dreams.
137. Your dreams define your individuality, they can give you wings to fly.
139. Reaching your dreams and getting rewarded requires sacrifices.
140. Let memories die, not dreams.
141. Our dreams are the seedlings of reality.
142. The bridge that connects our dream to reality is effort and hard work.
143. The success that comes with dreaming is worth its challenge.
144. Limiting self-belief and fear restricts success twice as other factors will.
145. You have to beat the tug of everything against you as you reach for your goals.
146. There is a fulfilment to your dreams, attain it.
147. You are halfway your destination when you believe in your dreams.
148. Go in the direction of your dream and live the life you have always dreamt about.
149. You cannot be successful or happy without reasonable confidence or faith in your abilities.
150. Living your fears gives no room for living your dreams.
151. Your dreams are as real as your imaginations.
152. Dreams with deadlines are the best goals to set.
153. Your dreams define you. The bigger it is, the more your potential for achieving it.
154. Anything is possible if you believe in your dream and dare to try.
155. If you can dream, you can act. If you can act, you can become.
156. If you dare to fail greatly, you will achieve greatly.
157. A successful mindset is the starting point to achieve your dreams.
158. Dreams happens before any other thing, make it worthwhile.
159. Fall forward, don’t stop or linger but aim for the fulfilment of your dreams.
160. Your dream may require that you do what you’ve never done to get what you want.
161. Let it be a sign that the dream was worth it.
162. Don’t use obstacles as an excuse for not achieving your dream.
163. Don’t focus on what you are up against, focus on your goals and ignore the rest.
164. Your life in the future depends on the creative vision of your dream.
165. There is nothing left when you give up on your dreams.
166. Except you work, your dreams won’t work.
167. Dreams never miss their way, follow it.
168. Believe in yourself, pursue your dreams, and don’t let anyone put you in a box.
169. You cease to exist when you cease to dream.
170. Pursue your dreams till they come true.
171. You can achieve your dreams if you believe beyond all doubt.
172. Even if the night seems to end, don’t stop dreaming.
173. Until you’ve taken action towards its achievement, it’s only a dream.
174. Your dream life requires your input.
175. Your dream is yours, don’t let anyone steal it.
176. You are not limited, the more you dream and do the dream, the farther you go.
177. Fall asleep with a dream and wake up purposeful.
178. Subtract your doubt from your goals, and you get your reality.
179. Of all your dreams, choose and stick to one.
180. It’s unwise to lose a dream while seeking its actualization.
181. You lose your life when you lose your dream.
182. Only cowards pipe their dreams.
183. Your goals are too small if people aren’t laughing at you.
184. What you lose when you don’t follow your dreams is twice what you’d gain if you did.
185. You get what you dream and expect in life.
186. Not listening to your dreams is the surest way to shut it off.
187. It’s foolish to spend the best part of your life living the dream of others.
188. Live your dream without missing a script.
189. A constant outcome is sure for repeated action.
190. Go to where you can’t hear the voices of those who doubt how far you can go with your dream.
191. Dreaming is the escalator that transports you from the smallest of wishes to the greatest of achievements.
192. Cherish the dream of the future over the history of the past.
193. Money should follow our dreams, not the opposite.
194. Don’t relax up till you are done living your dream.
195. Pursue your dreams patiently and be ready for criticism.
196. Start your dreams before you are ever ready.
197. Your dream may just lead to an endless opportunity if you trust it.
198. Cherish your dream even when it sounds the stupidest.
199. Taking responsibility develops our hunger to accomplish our dreams.
200. The possibility of realizing our dreams makes life interesting.
201. Believing in the beauty of your dreams secures your future.
202. As long as you stand in your way, everything seems to be in your way.
203. Loving what you do is the best way to do great work.
204. Don’t rest in failure, let success exhaust you.
205. Let failure inspire you to reach for greatness.
206. Believe in the beauty of your dream.
207. Make your dreams valid by putting in the hard work and determination.
208. Build walls around your dreams as you succeed.
209. Accomplish your dreams by desiring them with enthusiasm.
210. It’s torture to live in fear and not exploring your dreams.
211. Don’t stand in the way of someone chasing their dreams.
212. Stay connected and committed to your dreams.
213. To accomplish your dreams, personal sacrifice and hard work are not negotiable.
214. Respect the dream of others while working on yours.
215. Work and watch your dream grow at its pace.
216. Being successful requires a conscious dream.
217. Dreams are true before coming come true.
218. Let the possibility of your dream quicken your spirit to take action.
219. Dreaming big is the biggest self-love you can give yourself.
220. Be a dreamer, reach for the stars and grab a handful of clouds.
221. Remind yourself of how extraordinary you are every day.
222. You are worth your wildest dreams.
223. Not finishing what we started is the cause of the stress in our lives.
224. Living your whole life on the ground brings no joy.
225. A strong desire is the first step in achieving our dreams.
226. Let your next role be the best you’ve played in achieving your dreams.
227. In the pursuit of your dream persistence is worth more than speed.
228. Complacence leads no one to greatness as following one’s dreams does.
1. Deciding what you want is the first step in getting what you want out of life.

2. Don’t wait because there is no right time to live your dream.

3. Put your dreams beneath your feet and tread softly.

4. Learn from your failure and start again.

5. You can’t fly if your dream dies.

6. Don’t wait for inspiration, get up and go to work.

7.You can achieve your dreams by realizing that you control your destiny.

8. Let your dreams motivate you to overcome your nightmare.

9. The hunger to accomplish our dreams is developed by taking responsibilities for ourselves.

10. Small dreams don’t move the heart of men.

11. You can own the future by believing in the beauty of your dream.

12. You can reach for the stars and change the world by trusting your dream to change the world.

13. Do not spoil what you have because of your need.

14. Don’t stop yourself from fulfilling your dreams.

15. Try again and fail better if you can.

16. Don’t be limited by people’s limited imagination and don’t limit others because of your limited imagination.

17. Irrespective of your root, your dreams are worth living.

18. Dream like you will live forever; live like you will die today.

19. Follow where the path leads and leave a trail where there is no path.

20. You don’t finish tomorrow, what you haven’t started today.

21. You are never too old to set goals or have a new dream.

22. Don’t buy into a leader before you buy into their vision.

23. Loving what you do is the best way to do great work.

24. Don’t worry about who will let you, think about who will stop you.

25. Trust makes responsibilities easy than their absence.

26. Not trying is twice disappointing as failing.

27. A repeated approach to things produces the same result.

28. Don’t stop irrespective of your speed.

29. Remind yourself always that Creativity is inexhaustible.

30. Don’t be interrupted by those who said you couldn’t.

31. There are no mistakes to those who rarely try something new.

32. On the other side of fear lies everything you ever wanted.

33. Being unproductive is the best way to avoid criticism.

34. Your courage determines whether your life shrinks or expands.

35. Boldness is the starter kit to living your dream.

36.Your decisions determine your outcome, not your circumstance.

37. You cannot achieve your dream by living someone else’s life.

38. Doing less than is expected of you is the worst strategy to living your dreams.

39. We rise by lifting others.

40. Life becomes meaningful when we overcome challenges.

41. It’s never late to be what you’ve ever wanted to be.

42. Admitting helplessness is the common way we give up on your dreams.

43. Stepping out of what you are, brings you into what you will become.

44. You can’t achieve your dream by remaining in the trial stage.

45. The decision to act is the first challenge to living your dreams.

46. You can’t achieve your dream by giving in to your fears.

47. Courage is what keeps your head up when everyone around you has theirs bowed.

48. Don’t bother about one person acceptance when you have a million acceptances from others.

49. Unfold your myth irrespective of how things have gone with others.

50. Do not underestimate yourself; the rest of the world is as insecure as you are.

51. Act in confidence till you become confident.

52. Having the right mental attitude keeps you ahead of your game.

53. Optimism is the hope and confidence that leads to the achievement of dreams.

54. Nothing breeds doubt and fear than inaction does.

55. No achievement was ever made without a conquest.

56. Disbelief is the greatest barrier to achieving our dreams.

57. Successful people have the same worries unsuccessful people have, but it doesn’t stop their dreams.

58. Self-acceptance compensates for our feelings of un-acceptance.

59. Confidence comes with not being afraid to be wrong.

60. You can only achieve your dreams by being yourself rather than please others.

61. Success requires self-confidence from long term preparation.

62. You can achieve your dreams by duplicating a successful personality’s lifestyle.

63. You compliment yourself by being grateful to others.

64. Make the best of the way things turn out and things will turn out best for you.

65. Acknowledging your qualities is the foundation of all abundance.

66. Share your courage with others irrespective of your fears.

67. Contentment is realizing you contain more than you seek.

68. Not learning from experience is the worse experience to have.

69. Money doesn’t bring creativity and happiness, creativity and happiness brings money instead.

70. What we give and get is how we make a living out of life.

71. Never stop sharing happiness.

72. We can achieve our dreams by eliminating our troubles than letting them grow.

73. We should not judge what brings joy to others and we will not be judged by what brings joy to us.

74. You own your world when you are content with what’s yours.

75. Do what you like and like what you do. That’s where true happiness and freedom lies.

76. Don’t give up before your dreams come true.

77. Learn to accept the challenges that come with achieving your dreams.

78. You will fall into someone else’s life plan if you don’t design yours.

79. Fight failure and don’t succeed at things that do not matter in life.

80. Of all ways to achieve your dreams, habit is key.

81. Achieving your dreams require trusting your gut.

82. You can’t achieve your dreams with a lack of plans.

83. Achieving your dreams requires a laser-like focus.

84. Sleep becomes less important when you have a real interest in life.

85. You need to step out of your comfort zone to achieve your dreams.

86. To achieve your dreams, you need to quit doing less than excellent work.

87. Achieving your dreams requires small efforts, repeated over time.

88. What you have, where you are, and what you can do, are the best tools for achieving your dreams.

89. Those who are afraid to try will always tell you not to pursue your dreams.

90. Be bold enough to give up the good for the great.

91. Success is the best measure between sanity and genius.

92. Blessings often come disguised as bitter trials.

93. Living your dream is finding out what you are destined to do and doing it.

94. You must be responsive to change to achieve your dreams.

95. Create opportunities if they don’t happen.

96. You need the courage to pursue your dreams if you need them to come true.

97. Chase your passion, not money.

98. Those who cannot risk the usual will sure settle for the ordinary.

99. Ridiculous goals are better than no goals.

100. Giving up on your dreams leaves you empty.

101. Not starting is worse than failing.

102. Celebrate milestones as you pursue your dreams.

103. Don’t get lost in thinking only about the challenges and obstacles before you, think only about your ultimate destination.

104. Don’t focus on what you are up against, focus on your goals and try to ignore the rest.

105. Ignore people who try to tell you what to do or think, follow your instincts and goals instead.

106. Make opportunities off obstacles.

107. Leisure pace isn’t the best way to follow your dreams, it needs 100 percent of your effort.

108. You can’t become a success without giving life all you’ve got.

109. Being human puts you between your appetite and dreams.

110. Stop sitting with people who mock you for your dreams, they won’t help you succeed.

111. There is no better time to pursue your dreams than now.

112. Your dream will give up on you when you give up on it.

113. Moving past fear is the best ways to break past our limitations.

114. Dreams don’t come true until you work on it daily.

115. You are in a dead-end street if you rely on people’s acceptance.

116. You become impotent the moment you doubt your potency.

117. Inferiority requires your consent for it to be valid.

118. Stay true to your hustle, you can’t control people’s opinion of you.

119. You are stronger and braver than you are till you doubt it.

120. Your dream will build you when you’re done building it.

121. Fall in love with yourself so deeply that the universe will affirm your worth.

122. You are better than those who said you are worthless.

123. Everything crumbles when you believe you can’t do it.

124. Reality has no business with you and your dreams.

125. Nobody arrives at a future they do not conceive

126. You don’t take “no” for an answer when you know what you want in life.

127. A dream come true is beyond description.

128. Dreamers are the real magicians of the world.

129. Achieving a worthwhile dream requires patience.

130. To become successful, you need to give life everything you’ve got.

131. Everything we can imagine is real.

132. The biggest adventure we can take is to live the life of our dreams.

133. If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, you will meet with success.

134. You alone have the power to transform your thoughts and dreams into physical reality.

135. If dreams don’t come true, nature won’t incite us to have them.

136. Trust your instinct and pursue your dreams.

137. Your dreams define your individuality, they can give you wings to fly.

138. You need to wake up to make your dream come true.

139. Reaching your dreams and getting rewarded requires sacrifices.

140. Let memories die, not dreams.

141. Our dreams are the seedlings of reality.

142. The bridge that connects our dream to reality is effort and hard work.

143. The success that comes with dreaming is worth its challenge.

144. Limiting self-belief and fear restricts success twice as other factors will.

145. You have to beat the tug of everything against you as you reach for your goals.

146. There is a fulfilment to your dreams, attain it.

147. You are halfway your destination when you believe in your dreams.

148. Go in the direction of your dream and live the life you have always dreamt about.

149. You cannot be successful or happy without reasonable confidence or faith in your abilities.

150. Living your fears gives no room for living your dreams.

151. Your dreams are as real as your imaginations.

152. Dreams with deadlines are the best goals to set.

153. Your dreams define you. The bigger it is, the more your potential for achieving it.

154. Anything is possible if you believe in your dream and dare to try.

155. If you can dream, you can act. If you can act, you can become.

156. If you dare to fail greatly, you will achieve greatly.

157. A successful mindset is the starting point to achieve your dreams.

158. Dreams happens before any other thing, make it worthwhile.

159. Fall forward, don’t stop or linger but aim for the fulfilment of your dreams.

160. Your dream may require that you do what you’ve never done to get what you want.

161. Let it be a sign that the dream was worth it.

162. Don’t use obstacles as an excuse for not achieving your dream.

163. Don’t focus on what you are up against, focus on your goals and ignore the rest.

164. Your life in the future depends on the creative vision of your dream.

165. There is nothing left when you give up on your dreams.

166. Except you work, your dreams won’t work.

167. Dreams never miss their way, follow it.

168. Believe in yourself, pursue your dreams, and don’t let anyone put you in a box.

169. You cease to exist when you cease to dream.

170. Pursue your dreams till they come true.