In this post, you will find the best DMX Quotes he stated in his short life; he was a great man with a huge fan following.
Also known as Earl Simmons was popularly known as DMX, the short name of “Dark. Man X”. He was born on December 18, 1970, and died on April 9, 2021. He was an American actor and rapper, his journey into rapping started in the 1990s, and he released his album Dark, and Hell Is Hot in 1998, with unexpected sales of more than 250,000 copies in just one week.
He then released his bestselling album-And Then There Was X, in the year 1999, which includes his very
great singles-Party Up (Up in Here). He became the first artist to debut an album that took the No.1 spot on the Billboard 200 charts five times a row. He sold more than 74 million records across the globe.
He was among the tough and most respected rappers during his days. He was also recognized for his interesting lyrics.
Sadly, he died early in life. But his footprints will forever remain in the hearts of his fans. Below are some of his inspiring quotes to motivate us.

Best DMX Quotes That Will Change Your Perception

1 “The more I get closer to God, the more he gives the will to be good.”
2. “I learned from the good and the bad side, and it gave me understanding; now it’s my choice to choose what’s best for me.”
3 “Real people acquire a heart that’s big as a mouth.”
4. “I am a blessing to the lives of those that come across me.”
5. “Even when I think I fell, the hand of God has always held me. He is my guardian. I know sometimes I go astray, but he was always there for the rescue. Now that I follow him diligently and faithfully, I see new changes in my life.

6. “When he leads me, my curse turns into grace.”
7. “The tough life and turbulent times are there to turn us from jar to jar and make us independent so that we won’t be stagnant and become unimportant.”
8. “As a role model, you must give your fans the mindset of chasing the right things. Don’t give them fish, but teach them how to catch it.”
9. “I must have done bad things to good people, but I am not bad.”
10. “Success doesn’t come from me, so I thank God for every achievement.”

11 “You must acquire a humble mind and meekness because it shows where you came
12. “I give respect to who respects me, and I disrespect who chooses to disrespect me.”
13. “Never go for the things that glitter and have no value; go for the wheat and not the chaff.”
14. “Always carry every deed with equity and honesty because the moment you play dirty, you
get dirty.”
DMX Famous Quotes
1. DCC “You must suffer for things that have value; anything you get in a platter of gold has no
2. “Sometimes you need to taste demotion in other to know the privilege and responsibility it is to be at the top.”
3. “I am a winner because I have obtained blessings from above. The Lord has ordered my step in the right path so that no one can do otherwise.”
4. “Anything that’s not beneficial, I don’t partake. Anything that doesn’t have end profit I

5. “I’m happy to see young black people do well in the music industry; I don’t hate.”
6. “I dislike anything that involves Drake.”
7. “The truth doesn’t change. Since the time of old till now, it doesn’t change. It can never change, and it mustn’t. No matter how you coat it in lies and undercover it, it will resurface and remain the same.”
8. “After the rainy days, our efforts will resurface.”

9. “Don’t believe any news you hear or read, though seeing is believing, but only believe half of
the things you see.”
10. “I don’t waste my time thinking about the growth of other people’s success. I think only about mine.”
11.”When I was growing up, nobody in my family owned a car. And I didn’t have many toys to
play with. The ones I possessed were the ones I stole.”
12. “My walls are painted with blood.”
13. “Calling someone a devil is an overstatement because his evil is regarded as mercy in the
the sight of the devil.”
14. “Even in safety, you sleep with an eye opened.”

15. “I always carry myself as a king, and I obtain respect from my associates and people around
DMX Quotes that Teach Trust
- “Having no talent for a particular thing doesn’t mean you should believe yourself to learn it.”
2. “I was destined to win but never knew it.”

3. “I never change. I am loved by many because I bring balance to the industry.”
4. “The tough guys carry the biggest heart because you have to be tough to protect a big heart.”
5. “Be wary of friends that always try to get you high because when your moment arrives, that
friend let watch you die.”

6. “If you can do what I do, see what I see, walk the path I tread, and put yourself in my shoes.
Then you will know why I play dirty in the hood.”
7. “I may not be the protagonist in every movie. But I sincerely say that I brought the same energy I used in the music industry to the movie industry. Being realistic, Uncompromising, and desire with no boundaries.”
8. “The truth is beyond doubt; it convinces those that hear of him.”
9. “In everything we do, some people win while some lose, so the main aspect is to pray for
a positive outcome.”
10. “You call it the way I do; I call it my lifestyle.”

DMX Quotes about understanding

- “The minute you feel you a too big to accept bullshit, that’s the same minute you start seeing bullshit.”
2. “My mom will whip me so hard that I wouldn’t find comfort on earth, but I remained
3. “I always feel empty and left out because my soul needs resurrection.”
4. “My mom, my dad, I love them, I hate them, and I wish they were not mine, but I thanked God he created them.”
5. “I don’t raise my shoulder over anyone; I am just a popular human being.”

6. “I can’t stop driving fast; side effects of being in New York.”
7. “There’s nothing too much to handle, break and fix.”
8. “Many people will always clamor for miracles and wonders. Little did they know it occurs
only at the sight of tragedies.”
9. “Recording a song doesn’t mean it should be an album.”

10. “I was a blessing sent to live and die on earth—a privilege. We all have a purpose, and we
must find it. Once you find it, people will find you.”
DMX Quotes about facing reality
- “I am always found in the list of God’s blessed ones; I obtain great success, supernatural
change, and extraordinary achievements in the presence of adversaries.”
2. “Sony appreciates good music from extraordinary talents.”
3. “Niggas tried to get attention but couldn’t get the same in return. Now they are a bunch of
wasted efforts.”
4. “With the lord by my side, who can be against us?”

5. “Knowing the places, I venture and the path I walk through, your worst nightmares will just be mere dreams to me.”
6. “I’ve added gospel songs in all my music.”
7. “My mother sent me out at the age of seven. I liked—going to the institution. I got three
square meals and clothing.”
8. “To me, rap isn’t about tight clothing and body hugs. Every phase changes dressing, but ever since Run DMC appeared, it was all baggy jeans.”
9. “I love to act in movies based on Donald Goines’ novels.”
10. “Do things right because there is always light at the end of the tunnel.”

11. “Don’t blame me for my rugged ways; the street made me who I am.”
12. “You can get accolades from everyone.”
13. “I only need my wife, my kids, my dog, and a smile on everyone’s faces, and I am
14. “Show violence for the right deal.”
15. “A good advantage of the American judicial system is that you are innocent until
proven guilty.”
DMX Quotes about knowing yourself
- “I never changed a bit.”
2. “I will forgive but won’t forget.”

3. “I have great things in my heart,, but I am waiting for someone to lift me and channel them in
the right way.”
4. “I will surely repent, but not today.”
5. “I will wear timberland as far as I am alive.”
6. “I speak not because I want to reply to you but because I choose to.”
7. “Business talk ends at my doorstep, while at home, I have a family talk.”
8. “There’s power in the tongue; I weigh my words before speaking.”
9. “I commune with people an average person cannot meet because I am not average.”
10. “I want every man to be his brother’s keeper, to cherish one another and know that he got his back without telling him.”

DMX Quotes about His experience
- “At an early age, I had a friend that raps while I do the beatbox, and after showing off at
parties, he always gets people’s attention while I get a hand full of spits.”
2. “I’ve got fans from across Europe giving me the same message, ‘we want more of your
3. “One irony of celebrity life is that you either get love or more, and you can’t make everyone
like you.”

4. “You can voice for the people except you are part of them, but how many celebrities roll with regular people.”
5. “Everyone has diverse talents; being a rapper doesn’t mean it’s the only thing you can
6. “Once you are entitled to free things, nothing will get cheap in your eyes.”
7. “I’m not an artist who drops hit at little intervals; I always let the people feed and digest before dropping another.”
8. “Being recognized by a huge artist is the biggest fan base.”
9. “I don’t feel amazed over a new rapper.”
10. “I am not entitled to anyone but myself.”
11. “It’s good music when you get tired of hearing it.”

12. “My greatness today is because they were with me, and I know I was a blessing to some.”
13. “Don’t build a huge mansion for me when I am blind.”
14. “Any time I perform, I give more than 100%.”
15. “Columbia tried to group me, but I was impatient, and I wasn’t taken, and I am grateful I wasn’t taken.”
16. “I am good at what I do.”
DMX quotes about giving thanks to God for life
- “When I look at my past, I know it’s not my handwork.”
2. “I’ve gone through shame and disgrace, but I always stand tall.”

3. “I’m still the same; by his grace, I won’t change.”
4. “Even when I am hurt, I still have faith.”
5. “He leads my fit so I might not fall.”
6. “I knew the lord was testing me while experiencing hardship from then oldies.”
7. “The truth about life is that you live once; make great use of it.”

8. “I showed respect, and it came back to me.”
9. “You can’t stop a moving bullet, but you can prevent the gun from firing.”
10. “I go where I am led.”
DMX witnessed life in a hard way due to his abusive mother. To survive, he had to break the rules, and he got imprisoned for getting involved in a crime. While in prison, he concentrated his hate and anger on music. He was strong in and out; he never hid his emotions. His aggressive self gifted him popularity and recognition beyond his expectations.
He taught us that no matter how tough we are, crying is okay when facing hard situations. Always speak up about your challenges because if you hide your problem, your problem will hide you, and always know that God is with you.
We hope you have gotten the best DMX quotes listed above.