Every one of us wants to be a leader. But where does it go wrong? Are you born with this characteristic or is it a skill that can be learned? Leadership has always been a debatable topic and a million articles have already been written about the ideal characteristics of leadership. If you’re looking for advice on how to become a better leader or if you’re just starting out from scratch, then we hope these quotes will help awaken the leadership traits in you. You can also find some more quotes on Bernardmar And Keepinspiring.me
1. Leadership is being prepared before an opportunity presents itself.
2. Leadership is not what you do; it’s who you are.
3. Care, courtesy and being considerate are the three C’s of Leadership.
4. Leadership is made up of character and strategy of which character is irreplaceable.
5. Great leaders don’t just go along to get along; they strive to meet the challenges of the day.
6. For leadership to thrive, learning is not an option.
7. A great leader gets big responsibilities by outgrowing smaller responsibilities.
8. Sound leadership is about getting things done through people without necessarily meddling in their affairs.
9. Leadership starts with obedience.
10. Great leaders don’t impose their opinions on others; instead, they mobilize their followers by coalescing them around a shared opinion.
11. The presence of clear strength defines leadership, not the absence of weakness.
12. Leadership entails building your followers personality beyond their limitations, raising their performance to standard and lifting their visions to higher sights.
13. A leader looks over his shoulder occasionally to assess his leadership and ascertain his followership.
14. Leadership is not an administrator that seeks to exploit people but help them get things done better.
15. The understanding that leadership is about service makes a good leader.
16. Leaderships is prioritizing and transforming complex situations into smaller units.
17. Quality leadership is not defined by attributes, great speeches but great results.
18. The highest responsibility of leadership is the growth and development of the people.
19. Developing the skill of leadership requires having wise counsellors to help them with ideas outside of themselves.
20. Good leaders lead their followers from above, but great leaders lead their followers from within.
21. You audition for leadership whenever you have to speak.
22. Harnessing personal courage, capturing the mind and heart of other people and empowering new leaders is what leadership is about.
23. You can become a leader by applying gentleness, frugality, humility and gentleness in your every interaction with people.
24. Unlocking people’s potential to bring out the best in them is what makes leadership.
25. Real leadership is the confidence to stand alone, to make tough decisions and the patience to listen to the need of others.
26. Leadership is giving their followers the courage to do what they are afraid of.
27. Great leaders are simplistic enough to cut through debates, arguments and doubts to offer understandable solutions to everyone.
28. Every great leader has the trait of good servanthood in them.
29. Great leaders don’t use their power for personal fulfilment but to be of service to others.
30. Leading from within is the most effective way to win.
31. Leadership is seeing more than others, seeing farther than others and seeing before others.
32. Great leaders get the great things of life not by wishing for it but having the courage to ask for it.
33. The type of leadership that spans centuries is that which empowers others.
34. Leadership comes with the understanding that responsibility is the price of greatness.
35. The ability to see a problem before it becomes an emergency is one of the tests of leadership.
36. The greatest of leaders are rarely known, but their work quantifies their greatness.
37. You achieve your success by willing to help someone get theirs first.
38. Leadership is determined by service, not experience.
39. Leadership defines reality, appreciates efforts and serves his followers.
40. Leadership is not determined by how much a person leads, but how they serve others.
41. Leadership is the ability to get along with others and influencing their actions.
42. Leadership entails a compelling vision, comprehensive plan, relentless efforts and talented people to work with.
43. Leadership is the translation of vision into reality.
44. Leaders are not affected by the pressure of adversity. They get stronger than the circumstances outside of them.
45. Leaders are not afraid to use their strength in the service of their vision.
46. Leadership is the courage to make unpopular decisions and every of gut calls.
47. Every experience you look in the face gives you the strength, confidence and courage. That’s what leadership entails.
48. Leadership is motivating people to the source of their own power and making heroes out of them.
49. Strategic leadership is not about being busy with the tactical and operational side of work. It is about finding time to shape the future.
50. Getting advice from someone who has done what we’re trying to achieve is the best decision in every pursuit of life.
51. The major responsibility of Leadership is practising the behaviour you want others to emulate.
52. Leadership is finding the smartest people and surrendering yourself with them.
53. Leadership is like aiming at a championship; you keep playing till you win.
54. Leadership should be about holding oneself accountable for finding potential in people and the processes involved.
55. Satisfying personal greed is not what leadership is about. It is a privilege to better the lives of others.
56. A man who wants to do things all alone or get credit for the collective effort is not a leader.
57. Leaders don’t just make decisions; they provide strategies and directions to enable their followers to gather information and insights around the world.
58. Good leaders lift people. Great leaders bring people together.
59. Effective Leaders create a feedback loop to assess their performance and how to do better.
60. Leadership is making a long-lasting impact on people’s lives,even in your absence.
61. Leadership requires transparency, credibility and candour.
62. One of the true tests of leadership is the response to a crisis.
63. Effective leadership thrives on clarity.
64. Leaderships is considering consequences before actions, just as anticipatory thinkers do.
65. Leadership is setting a high standard and refusing to tolerate mediocre performance.</h3>
66. Integrity is the core element of leadership.
67. The mediocre leader tells. The good leader explains. The superior leader demonstrates. A great leader actually inspires.
68. Average leader overcome obstacles, good leaders help others overcome obstacles; great leaders inspire others to overcome their obstacles themselves.
69. The standards you set for yourself are the reflection of the quality of the leader you are.
70. Leadership is knowing the way to go, walking through it and showing others how to go.
71. Leadership is not about the tenacity but the decision to act.
72. Leadership is not willing; it’s in the doing; it’s not just knowing, applying what’s learnt is essential.
73. People take credit for the best leader’s effort because their existence is not often regarded.
74. Excellence is a habit, not an act if you keep at what you do consistently.
75. Only those who rarely try something new don’t make mistakes.
76. As a leader, you can’t see effectively when your imagination is not focused.
77. Recognizing that everyone is gifted with specific talents is one of the keys to leadership.
78. There are two classes of people, those who put in the work and those who take credit. Be in the first class; there aren’t so many people in that class.
79. Good leaders replicate their qualities in other people, so the responsibility of leadership is distributed.
80. Leadership is the willingness to confront the major anxiety of the people unequivocally.
81. Real leaders don’t search for consensus; they mould consensus instead.
82. Society stands still in the absence of leadership, but the courageous act of a leader births progress.
83. You will know who your oppositions are when you try making a change.
84. No one will believe in you if you don’t start first.
85. Natural leadership is doing your best irrespective of who’s observing.
86. Leadership is having people gain confidence in you by your reactions.
87. Magic won’t change the world; we carry enough resources to change the world on the inside of us.
88. Positive obsession makes long term success possible.
89. You catch excellence if you keep chasing perfection since perfection is not attainable.
90. You don’t announce your leadership role; you earn it.
91. Coordinating and aiming the efforts of your contemporaries is what leadership does.
92. Not letting anyone define who you are is one of the important things in leadership.
93. One of the outstanding qualities of leadership is going out of your way to boost the self-esteem of your followers.
94. The understanding that a twenty years dream could be ruined in five minutes makes a leader cautious of actions and inactions.
95. Leadership is not forgetting the lessons of failure as you celebrate success.
96. Learning and translating the knowledge into action makes an exceptional leader.
97. Communicating what people want in the appropriate way is ninety per cent leadership.
98. Leaders don’t complain about the wind or watch and expect it to change. They rather adjust the sails.
99. The potential of an organization is limitless if it recruits people, raises them as leaders and continually develops them.
100. Having a vision is the very essence of leadership.
101. Leadership is empowering people to accomplish their goals.
102. Leaders instil in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves.
103. Standing out from the crowd and standing for something special is what makes a leader.
104. Leadership is about leaving a trail where there is no path.
105. Between a leader and a follower, innovation makes the difference.
106. As a leader, the change the world expects must begin with you.
107. Leadership is not a reservation for special people by appointment or election. It is made, retained and inculcated by you as an example for those who care to follow.
108. The secret of leadership is doing what works for you and being consistent at it.
109. Seeing the opportunity in difficulties and not the other way is how leadership works.
110. Leadership is extraordinary determinations from ordinary people.
111. Giving people the platform to share their ideas is one of the rules of leadership.
112. Leadership cannot thrive with pride.
113. Effective leadership is about assigning people to roles they are well gifted in.
114. Leadership deals in hope.
115. One unique quality of leadership aside others is learning. Leadership and learning are quite indispensable.
116. Leaders don’t teach people how to do things. Instead, they guide and watch the outcomes.
117. As a leader, you have real problems if you are the smartest guy in the room.
118. Leadership is about creating a vision, articulating the vision, owning the vision and driving it relentlessly towards completion.
119. Leadership is living the message and assessing oneself through the impact made on one’s followers.
120. Leadership is about making the best of great people and not relenting on bringing up aspiring leaders.
121. Just like an enabling environment, leadership shouldn’t be about directives but more participative.
122. The possibilities of defeat do not occur to leaders; to them, it doesn’t.
123. Quit dreaming about success, start working for it.
124. While followers see and worry about problems all the time, leaders think and talk solutions most of the time.
125. If people follow you voluntarily, irrespective of your title or position, you are a leader.
126. Let the crowd follow you; don’t follow the crowd.
127. In leadership, handling yourself requires intelligence; handling others requires your heart.
128. You are a leader if your actions inspire the dream, pursuit and persistence of others.
129. Management is about arrangement and instructions, leadership nurtures and enhances.
130. Growing yourself is all the success that matters before you become a leader, growing others is what matters when you become a leader.
131. The ultimate measure of a man is not measured on his stand in a moment of comfort but in times of challenges.
132. Leadership is the safest ship in a storm.
133. Saying no and keeping to it is the art of leadership
134. Try not to be a leader by coincidence; make it a choice.
135. Authority doesn’t constitute leadership, influence does.
1. Leadership is being prepared before an opportunity presents itself.

2. Leadership is not what you do; it’s who you are.

3. Care, courtesy and being considerate are the three C’s of Leadership.

4. Leadership is made up of character and strategy of which character is irreplaceable.

5. Great leaders don’t just go along to get along; they strive to meet the challenges of the day.

6. For leadership to thrive, learning is not an option.

7. A great leader gets big responsibilities by outgrowing smaller responsibilities.

8. Sound leadership is about getting things done through people without necessarily meddling in their affairs.

9. Leadership starts with obedience.

10. Great leaders don’t impose their opinions on others; instead, they mobilize their followers by coalescing them around a shared opinion.

11. The presence of clear strength defines leadership, not the absence of weakness.

12. Leadership entails building your followers personality beyond their limitations, raising their performance to standard and lifting their visions to higher sights.

13. A leader looks over his shoulder occasionally to assess his leadership and ascertain his followership.

14. Leadership is not an administrator that seeks to exploit people but help them get things done better.

15. The understanding that leadership is about service makes a good leader.

16. Leaderships is prioritizing and transforming complex situations into smaller units.

17. Quality leadership is not defined by attributes, great speeches but great results.

18. The highest responsibility of leadership is the growth and development of the people.

19. Developing the skill of leadership requires having wise counsellors to help them with ideas outside of themselves.

20. Good leaders lead their followers from above, but great leaders lead their followers from within.

21. You audition for leadership whenever you have to speak.

22. Harnessing personal courage, capturing the mind and heart of other people and empowering new leaders is what leadership is about.

23. You can become a leader by applying gentleness, frugality, humility and gentleness in your every interaction with people.

24. Unlocking people’s potential to bring out the best in them is what makes leadership.

25. Real leadership is the confidence to stand alone, to make tough decisions and the patience to listen to the need of others.

26. Leadership is giving their followers the courage to do what they are afraid of.

27. Great leaders are simplistic enough to cut through debates, arguments and doubts to offer understandable solutions to everyone.

28. Every great leader has the trait of good servanthood in them.

29. Great leaders don’t use their power for personal fulfilment but to be of service to others.

30. Leading from within is the most effective way to win.

31. Leadership is seeing more than others, seeing farther than others and seeing before others.

32. Great leaders get the great things of life not by wishing for it but having the courage to ask for it.

33. The type of leadership that spans centuries is that which empowers others.

34. Leadership comes with the understanding that responsibility is the price of greatness.

35. The ability to see a problem before it becomes an emergency is one of the tests of leadership.

36. The greatest of leaders are rarely known, but their work quantifies their greatness.

37. You achieve your success by willing to help someone get theirs first.

38. Leadership is determined by service, not experience.

39. Leadership defines reality, appreciates efforts and serves his followers.

40. Leadership is not determined by how much a person leads, but how they serve others.

41. Leadership is the ability to get along with others and influencing their actions.

42. Leadership entails a compelling vision, comprehensive plan, relentless efforts and talented people to work with.

43. Leadership is the translation of vision into reality.

44. Leaders are not affected by the pressure of adversity. They get stronger than the circumstances outside of them.

45. Leaders are not afraid to use their strength in the service of their vision.

46. Leadership is the courage to make unpopular decisions and every of gut calls.

47. Every experience you look in the face gives you the strength, confidence and courage. That’s what leadership entails.

48. Leadership is motivating people to the source of their own power and making heroes out of them.

49. Strategic leadership is not about being busy with the tactical and operational side of work. It is about finding time to shape the future.

50. Getting advice from someone who has done what we’re trying to achieve is the best decision in every pursuit of life.

51. The major responsibility of Leadership is practising the behaviour you want others to emulate.

52. Leadership is finding the smartest people and surrendering yourself with them.

53. Leadership is like aiming at a championship; you keep playing till you win.

54. Leadership should be about holding oneself accountable for finding potential in people and the processes involved.

55. Satisfying personal greed is not what leadership is about. It is a privilege to better the lives of others.

56. A man who wants to do things all alone or get credit for the collective effort is not a leader.

57. Leaders don’t just make decisions; they provide strategies and directions to enable their followers to gather information and insights around the world.

58. Good leaders lift people. Great leaders bring people together.

59. Effective Leaders create a feedback loop to assess their performance and how to do better.

60. Leadership is making a long-lasting impact on people’s lives,even in your absence.

61. Leadership requires transparency, credibility and candour.

62. One of the true tests of leadership is the response to a crisis.

63. Effective leadership thrives on clarity.

64. Leaderships is considering consequences before actions, just as anticipatory thinkers do.

65. Leadership is setting a high standard and refusing to tolerate mediocre performance.

66. Integrity is the core element of leadership.

67. The mediocre leader tells. The good leader explains. The superior leader demonstrates. A great leader actually inspires.

68. Average leader overcome obstacles, good leaders help others overcome obstacles; great leaders inspire others to overcome their obstacles themselves.

69. The standards you set for yourself are the reflection of the quality of the leader you are.

70. Leadership is knowing the way to go, walking through it and showing others how to go.

71. Leadership is not about the tenacity but the decision to act.

72. Leadership is not willing; it’s in the doing; it’s not just knowing, applying what’s learnt is essential.

73. People take credit for the best leader’s effort because their existence is not often regarded.

74. Excellence is a habit, not an act if you keep at what you do consistently.

75. Only those who rarely try something new don’t make mistakes.

76. As a leader, you can’t see effectively when your imagination is not focused.

77. Recognizing that everyone is gifted with specific talents is one of the keys to leadership.

78. There are two classes of people, those who put in the work and those who take credit. Be in the first class; there aren’t so many people in that class.

79. Good leaders replicate their qualities in other people, so the responsibility of leadership is distributed.

80. Leadership is the willingness to confront the major anxiety of the people unequivocally.

81. Real leaders don’t search for consensus; they mould consensus instead.

82. Society stands still in the absence of leadership, but the courageous act of a leader births progress.

83. You will know who your oppositions are when you try making a change.

84. No one will believe in you if you don’t start first.

85. Natural leadership is doing your best irrespective of who’s observing.

86. Leadership is having people gain confidence in you by your reactions.

87. Magic won’t change the world; we carry enough resources to change the world on the inside of us.

88. Positive obsession makes long term success possible.

89. You catch excellence if you keep chasing perfection since perfection is not attainable.

90. You don’t announce your leadership role; you earn it.

91. Coordinating and aiming the efforts of your contemporaries is what leadership does.

92. Not letting anyone define who you are is one of the important things in leadership.

93. One of the outstanding qualities of leadership is going out of your way to boost the self-esteem of your followers

94. The understanding that a twenty years dream could be ruined in five minutes makes a leader cautious of actions and inactions.

95. Leadership is not forgetting the lessons of failure as you celebrate success.

96. Learning and translating the knowledge into action makes an exceptional leader.

97. Communicating what people want in the appropriate way is ninety per cent leadership.

98. Leaders don’t complain about the wind or watch and expect it to change. They rather adjust the sails.

99. The potential of an organization is limitless if it recruits people, raises them as leaders and continually develops them.

100. Having a vision is the very essence of leadership.

101. Leadership is empowering people to accomplish their goals.

102. Leaders instil in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves

103. Standing out from the crowd and standing for something special is what makes a leader

104. Leadership is about leaving a trail where there is no path.

105. Between a leader and a follower, innovation makes the difference

106. As a leader, the change the world expects must begin with you.

107. Leadership is not a reservation for special people by appointment or election. It is made, retained and inculcated by you as an example for those who care to follow.

108. The secret of leadership is doing what works for you and being consistent at it.

109. Seeing the opportunity in difficulties and not the other way is how leadership works.

110. Leadership is extraordinary determinations from ordinary people.

111. Giving people the platform to share their ideas is one of the rules of leadership.

112. Leadership cannot thrive with pride.

113. Effective leadership is about assigning people to roles they are well gifted in.

114. Leadership deals in hope.

115. One unique quality of leadership aside others is learning. Leadership and learning are quite indispensable.

116. Leaders don’t teach people how to do things. Instead, they guide and watch the outcomes.

117. As a leader, you have real problems if you are the smartest guy in the room.

118. Leadership is about creating a vision, articulating the vision, owning the vision and driving it relentlessly towards completion.

119. Leadership is living the message and assessing oneself through the impact made on one’s followers.

120. Leadership is about making the best of great people and not relenting on bringing up aspiring leaders.

121. Just like an enabling environment, leadership shouldn’t be about directives but more participative.

122. The possibilities of defeat do not occur to leaders; to them, it doesn’t.

123. Quit dreaming about success, start working for it.

124. While followers see and worry about problems all the time, leaders think and talk solutions most of the time.

125. If people follow you voluntarily, irrespective of your title or position, you are a leader.

126. Let the crowd follow you; don’t follow the crowd.

127. In leadership, handling yourself requires intelligence; handling others requires your heart.

128. You are a leader if your actions inspire the dream, pursuit and persistence of others.

129. Management is about arrangement and instructions, leadership nurtures and enhances.

130. Growing yourself is all the success that matters before you become a leader, growing others is what matters when you become a leader.

131. The ultimate measure of a man is not measured on his stand in a moment of comfort but in times of challenges.

132. Leadership is the safest ship in a storm

133. Saying no and keeping to it is the art of leadership

134. Try not to be a leader by coincidence; make it a choice.

135. Authority doesn’t constitute leadership, influence does.

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