Moving forward is hard sometimes. We have a lot of expectations on us, as well as in us. We might worry about the future, about our past and about what others think about us. Sometimes we just need to let go of these things and focus on what we truly want for ourselves. I’ve gathered some quotes on moving forward for you so that together we can become the best versions of ourselves and live the life we really want. You can also find some more quotes on PositivityBlog And Wow4u.
1. When we lack self-confidence we limit our chances of taking a risk which hinders our growth.
2. Success will take care of itself if we are all moving forward together.
3. Celebrate little success as you move forward.
4. Don’t clutch the past so tight that it leaves your arms too full to accommodate the present.
5. You can’t receive what you need if you don’t let go of what you have.
6. Not moving forward means falling back.
7. You must burn the bridges behind you, or you won’t move forward.
8. Letting go of the past is not the end of the world, it’s an opportunity to experience life anew.
9. We have to master adaptation to move forward in every situation.
10. You have to move forward courageously to overcome adversities.
11. Moving forward is taking a big leap towards the future without hesitation.
12. Use the energy for self-destruction to move forward instead
13. Don’t quit believing; don’t quit growing in difficult times.
14. Build your inner resilience to change, or you will not grow or move forward.
15. Moving forward is doing things aside from what we already mastered.
16. Albeit slow, keep your pace and never stop.
17. Insurmountable mountains need to be taken down if we want to move forward.
18. To keep moving, you need to keep your eyes open and have a simple view of life.
19. To keep moving forward, you need to seize opportunities and stay open to new things.
20. Low self-esteem can hinder you from taking the risk and stop you from moving forward.
21. Correct your errors and move forward always.
22. Be willing to keep moving forward despite mistakes.
23. Don’t get caught up in moving forward that you forget to appreciate where you are.
24. Don’t rewind the past or dwell in regrets, work hard and move forward.
25. If your work stops you from moving forward, move forward with your work.
26. Aim for the sky and never stop pushing forward.
27. When someone copies you, it allows you to do better and move forward.
28. Moving forward is the best way to finish a great journey successfully.
29. You can’t move forward by staying in the status quo.
30. Perseverance is the key to moving forward.
31. You can’t move forward with the fear of sharp stones and thorns on life’s path.
32. Seize the opportunity to start anew every day.
33. To move forward, you have to be dissatisfied with your current situation and decide it’s over.
34. Since you can’t get back in the past, it’s best to learn from it and move forward.
35. You don’t have to know what your fate is to know that everything will be okay.
36. Keep moving forward and opening new doors.
37. Make “forward momentum” your motto and never look back.
38. Master the act of maneuvering when others are having issues.
39. Trying to fix what is already broken could distract you from moving forward.
40. Never get drowned in the mess of your own life if you plan on helping others get up from theirs.
41. You must stop dedicating your time to people who don’t value it if you want to move forward.
42. Moving forward is looking at the part, acting the part and delivering what you promised.
43. The way forward is to drive yourself towards success or be static.
44. When moving forward becomes futile, move back and come back better.
45. You can’t move forward by resisting letting go.
46. We can only move forward by impacting the lives of people around us with positive experiences.
47. You have better chances of focusing and working on your aspirations if you forgive and move past hurt.
48. Never allow guilt to interfere with your desire to move forward.
49. Constant tripping over what’s behind will make it impossible to sprint into what is ahead.
50. Moving forward requires spending your time designing the greatest reputation you can possess.
51. If you want a real transformation, you need to get real with yourself and move forward.
53. Starting over is not failure, it’s one of the sacrifices of moving forward.
54. As you move forward, you will not only experience the seasons of life but its geography too.
55. Until you are no longer interested in looking back, moving forward may be difficult.
56. You can’t stand still, you either regress or move forward
57. Amnesia of past failure is the best way forward.
58. Fulfil your dreams by moving forward.
59. You have to move forward because life doesn’t need your permission to happen.
60. Never look back if you want to move forward.
61. Focus on the unknown in the future, not the regrets inviting you to the past.
62. When you stop moving, things stop moving your way.
63. Never take falling bricks for granted, they may be the steppingstones to your next phase in life.
64. It’s wise to face our mistakes courageously and make adjustments as we move forward.
65. Never take the past into the future if you want to move forward.
66. Follow the light that leads through the darkness, it’s the way out.
67. We can only manifest destiny by moving forward.
68. Keep moving forward when things get dark, no matter what happens.
69. Moving towards the future requires that you kiss away the past.
70. Try not to look back because it could make it difficult to see where you are going.
71. Let go and move from things that don’t sync with your spirit.
72. No one crosses an emotional bridge by rushing back to its beginning.
73. Don’t forget where you came from, but you don’t have to go back.
74. Don’t stay where you are too long that you miss the opportunities you’ve always longed for.
75. Do something else if what you longed to do becomes impossible.
76. You have to transcend mindsets that no longer serve you if you want to move forward.
77. Focus on the possibilities of getting things done, not what you failed at.
78. Stumbling and falling don’t always mean failure, it’s simply a sign of moving forward.
79. There is no moving forward when your emergency brake is on.
80. Great things don’t happen until we move.
81. Be like the river and move forward as it does.
82. Wear your scars proudly, they make you who you are.
83. Don’t quit even when you feel disappointed, as long as you are on the right track.
84. Moving forward when someone walks away from your life is the best revenge.
85. You may end up between the walls of your past if you don’t stop trying to put it back together.
86. You may miss a lifetime opportunity by holding on to bitterness.
87. Let your dreams guide you, not your excuses.
88. You have to be dedicated to moving forward, or you may repeat the mistake by going back.
89. You should move forward and never backwards because the shark doesn’t.
90. Never doubt where life takes you despite your emotions, believe in its purpose.
91. We can only have a new life when we move away from needless things
92. Don’t just move forward, be sure it’s in the direction of progress.
93. To move forward, you need to be willing to change.
94. Mistakes require a change of plans to move forward.
95. Most times changes are not threats but an easy way to move forward.
96. Get rid of emotions that can’t help you move forward.
97. It’s best to stop what stops you, or you won’t move forward.
98. You have to put yourself out there to get what you want.
99. Figure out how to make your life work because it will not wait around for you to make it work.
100. Take the risk and move on or sit and wonder.
101. Move on because even a rock does.
102. You can’t take back the past, but you can fight for the future.
103. If you don’t give rest to the problem weighing you down, you cannot move forward.
104. You have to embrace change to move forward.</h2>
105. Until you do what your life requires of you, you cannot move forward.
106. The only way to get to where you’ve never been is to go there.
107. You only win by walking away from a toxic relationship, and that’s how you move forward.
108. Moving forward is taking the big leap forward without hesitation.
109. Moving forward is the only productive thing that we can do after a turbulent time.
110. Moving forward doesn’t necessarily require that you have it all figured out.
111. Forgiveness is a sign that you are mature enough to move on.
112. Keeping baggage from the past will prevent happiness in the future.
113. As you mature, you will grow past certain people.
114. Once I destroy bridges behind me, there is no way but to move forward.
115. We cannot move forward if we cannot adapt to various situations that come our way.
116. We must forgive ourselves for our mistakes, learn from them, and move on.
117. If you ever doubt your ability to go far, remember all the challenges you’ve been through, the battles you’ve won, and all the fears you’ve overcome.
118. Although growth and change can be painful, staying stagnant is the worst pain.
119. Accepting change and spending time on what makes you stronger makes you move forward in life.
120. Regardless of what anyone thinks, keep moving forward and do what you have to do.
121. When you let go of what’s behind you, you can reach what’s in front of you.
122. Be grateful for the past and look forward to the future.
123. You’re falling backwards if you’re not moving forward.
124. The most difficult part of moving forward is not looking back.
125. You can’t live the life you desire if all you do is standstill.
126. If you keep reading the last chapter of your life, you will never move on to the next.
127. To keep your balance in life you must keep moving.
128. As long as you’re moving forward, even if it’s a single step, never stop.
129. Setting goals and moving forward with them is exciting.
130. Start working toward your goal by connecting with people who share your dreams.
131. The more time you spend with creative people, the more tools you’ll need to move forward.
132. No matter how big or small the problem, forgiveness helps us open up the doors again and move forward.
133. You need to have the confidence and keep moving forward because that’s the only way you’ll finish your projects and get better.
134. I try not to think about my past and only move forward in the present.
135. When you help others transform their pain into energy, you create a new future for yourself and them.
136. To succeed, you must remain proactive and keep trying your best until you find what works.
137. Holding on to the past will not help you move forward, dream big instead.
138. If we keep looking in the rear view mirror for too long, we will lose everything moving forward.
139. Sometimes the unexpected happens; you have to roll with it and keep going forward.
140. The only way to stop regretting is to keep moving forward.
141. Living is about how much you can take and how much you can suffer to keep moving forward.
142. Growing and evolving depends on your ability to listen, move forward and learn from experience.
143. You must keep your head up, work hard, and keep moving forward.
144. Taking baby steps counts too, as long as you’re moving forward.
145. When everyone is moving forward together, success will follow.
146. Never stop learning, it’s the only way to move forward.
147. By staying calm and moving forward, you can manage what happens.
148. As you move forward, keep your balance, poise, and sense of security.
149. For the soul to grow, it is imperative to keep moving forward.
150. The most important thing a broken person can do is stay positive and keep moving forward.
151. Making mistakes is only acceptable if they lead to progress.
152. Moving forward in a positive direction is all that we need to do everyday.
153. No matter what happens, keep moving forward like an avalanche.
154. You can’t get anything done by looking back, you need to move forward.
155. There is a long road ahead, so keep your focus and keep moving forward.
156. When you fall on your face, stand up and keep moving forward.
157. Being brave and taking risks is the only way to move forward.
158. Let go, forgive yourself, forgive the situation, and move forward.
159. It takes twice less the energy to move forward as it does to blame and suffer in misery.
160. As you look forward to the future, it is vital to let go of the hurt and pain of the past.
161. If you never challenge yourself beyond what you know, you will never grow.
162. While starting over may be challenging, it is also a chance to improve.
163. Any pace is fine as long as you do not stop.
164. We can learn a lot from failure, but we have to move forward despite failing.
165. Imagine the life you want in the future and start moving toward it one step at a time.
166. Successful people keep moving forward even after making mistakes.
167. Painful guilt keeps us bound to the past and prevents us from moving forward.
168. Work hard and move forward instead of reminiscing and regretting the past.
169. Don’t let obstacles deter you from moving forward.
170. The start of every great journey is always one small step forward.
171. Better things lie ahead than any we leave behind.
172. You will not advance if you remain at the same level of satisfaction as before.
173. Everyone makes mistakes, but you can only move forward if you bounce back from them.
174. You have the power within you to move forward if you are truly committed to progress.
175. Focus on what you can do next, not on what went wrong.
176. Rather than focusing on setbacks, take the changes in stride and move forward.
177. The key to perseverance is to bounce back and keep going.
178. Acknowledge the past and move on from it.
179. In hard times we shouldn’t stop believing and we shouldn’t stop growing.
180. The outcome of life will not always be what you had hoped for, you must stay optimistic and keep moving forward.
181. Until you stop trying to please everyone, you cannot go far.
182. Focus on what to do next to move forward instead of what has happened.
183. Don’t focus on setbacks when you see them, just keep moving till you’re past them.
184. Moving forward is moving towards perfection without fear.
185. Acknowledge and understand your past and move on from it.
186. Let your curiosity lead you through new paths in your pursuit of excellence.
187. Start afresh every single day like nothing happened the previous day.
188. Today is not the time to dwell on yesterday.
189. You have the power to push change through your Disappointments.
190. You can change your circumstances irrespective of your belief.
191. Moving forward is easier if you make peace with your past.
192. Be grateful for all the moments you’ve experienced but keep moving forward with each step.
193. The more we focus on the past, the more we lose sight of the future.
1. When we lack self-confidence we limit our chances of taking a risk which hinders our growth.

2. Success will take care of itself if we are all moving forward together.

3. Celebrate little success as you move forward.

4. Don’t clutch the past so tight that it leaves your arms too full to accommodate the present.

5. You can’t receive what you need if you don’t let go of what you have.

6. Not moving forward means falling back.

7. You must burn the bridges behind you, or you won’t move forward.

8. Letting go of the past is not the end of the world, it’s an opportunity to experience life anew.

9. We have to master adaptation to move forward in every situation.

10. You have to move forward courageously to overcome adversities.

11. Moving forward is taking a big leap towards the future without hesitation.

12. Use the energy for self-destruction to move forward instead.

13. Don’t quit believing; don’t quit growing in difficult times.

14. Build your inner resilience to change, or you will not grow or move forward.

15. Moving forward is doing things aside from what we already mastered.

16. Albeit slow, keep your pace and never stop.

17. Insurmountable mountains need to be taken down if we want to move forward.

18. To keep moving, you need to keep your eyes open and have a simple view of life.

19. To keep moving forward, you need to seize opportunities and stay open to new things.

20. Low self-esteem can hinder you from taking the risk and stop you from moving forward.

21. Correct your errors and move forward always.

22. Be willing to keep moving forward despite mistakes.

23. Don’t get caught up in moving forward that you forget to appreciate where you are.

24. Don’t rewind the past or dwell in regrets, work hard and move forward.

25. If your work stops you from moving forward, move forward with your work.

26. Aim for the sky and never stop pushing forward.

27. When someone copies you, it allows you to do better and move forward.

28. Moving forward is the best way to finish a great journey successfully.

29. You can’t move forward by staying in the status quo.

30. Perseverance is the key to moving forward.

31. You can’t move forward with the fear of sharp stones and thorns on life’s path.

32. Seize the opportunity to start anew every day.

33. To move forward, you have to be dissatisfied with your current situation and decide it’s over.

34. Since you can’t get back in the past, it’s best to learn from it and move forward.

35. You don’t have to know what your fate is to know that everything will be okay.

36. Keep moving forward and opening new doors.

37. Make “forward momentum” your motto and never look back.

38. Master the act of maneuvering when others are having issues.

39. Trying to fix what is already broken could distract you from moving forward.

40. Never get drowned in the mess of your own life if you plan on helping others get up from theirs.

41. You must stop dedicating your time to people who don’t value it if you want to move forward.

42. Moving forward is looking at the part, acting the part and delivering what you promised.

43. The way forward is to drive yourself towards success or be static.

44. When moving forward becomes futile, move back and come back better.

45. You can’t move forward by resisting letting go.

46. We can only move forward by impacting the lives of people around us with positive experiences.

47. You have better chances of focusing and working on your aspirations if you forgive and move past hurts.

48. Never allow guilt to interfere with your desire to move forward.

49. Constant tripping over what’s behind will make it impossible to sprint into what is ahead.

50. Moving forward requires spending your time designing the greatest reputation you can possess.

51. If you want a real transformation, you need to get real with yourself and move forward.

52. Don’t quit when you feel defeated, keep hope alive and move forward.

53. Starting over is not failure, it’s one of the sacrifices of moving forward.

54. As you move forward, you will not only experience the seasons of life but its geography too.

55. Until you are no longer interested in looking back, moving forward may be difficult.

56. You can’t stand still, you either regress or move forward.

57. Amnesia of past failure is the best way forward.

58. Fulfil your dreams by moving forward.

59. You have to move forward because life doesn’t need your permission to happen.

60. Never look back if you want to move forward.

61. Focus on the unknown in the future, not the regrets inviting you to the past.

62. When you stop moving, things stop moving your way.

63. Never take falling bricks for granted, they may be the steppingstones to your next phase in life.

64. It’s wise to face our mistakes courageously and make adjustments as we move forward.

65. Never take the past into the future if you want to move forward.

66. Follow the light that leads through the darkness, it’s the way out.

67. We can only manifest destiny by moving forward.

68. Keep moving forward when things get dark, no matter what happens.

69. Moving towards the future requires that you kiss away the past.

70. Try not to look back because it could make it difficult to see where you are going.

71. Let go and move from things that don’t sync with your spirit.

72. No one crosses an emotional bridge by rushing back to its beginning.

73. Don’t forget where you came from, but you don’t have to go back.

74. Don’t stay where you are too long that you miss the opportunities you’ve always longed for.

75. Do something else if what you longed to do becomes impossible.

76. You have to transcend mindsets that no longer serve you if you want to move forward.

77. Focus on the possibilities of getting things done, not what you failed at.

78. Stumbling and falling don’t always mean failure, it’s simply a sign of moving forward.

79. There is no moving forward when your emergency brake is on.

80. Great things don’t happen until we move.

81. Be like the river and move forward as it does.

82. Wear your scars proudly, they make you who you are.

83. Don’t quit even when you feel disappointed, as long as you are on the right track.

84. Moving forward when someone walks away from your life is the best revenge.

85. You may end up between the walls of your past if you don’t stop trying to put it back together.

86. You may miss a lifetime opportunity by holding on to bitterness.

87. Let your dreams guide you, not your excuses.

88. You have to be dedicated to moving forward, or you may repeat the mistake by going back.

89. You should move forward and never backwards because the shark doesn’t.

90. Never doubt where life takes you despite your emotions, believe in its purpose.

91. We can only have a new life when we move away from needless things.

92. Don’t just move forward, be sure it’s in the direction of progress.

93. To move forward, you need to be willing to change.

94. Mistakes require a change of plans to move forward.

95. Most times changes are not threats but an easy way to move forward.

96. Get rid of emotions that can’t help you move forward.

97. It’s best to stop what stops you, or you won’t move forward.

98. You have to put yourself out there to get what you want.

99. Figure out how to make your life work because it will not wait around for you to make it work.

100. Take the risk and move on or sit and wonder.

101. Move on because even a rock does.

102. You can’t take back the past, but you can fight for the future.

103. If you don’t give rest to the problem weighing you down, you cannot move forward.

104. You have to embrace change to move forward.

105. Until you do what your life requires of you, you cannot move forward.

106. The only way to get to where you’ve never been is to go there.

107. You only win by walking away from a toxic relationship, and that’s how you move forward.

108. Moving forward is taking the big leap forward without hesitation.

109. Moving forward is the only productive thing that we can do after a turbulent time.

110. Moving forward doesn’t necessarily require that you have it all figured out.

111. Forgiveness is a sign that you are mature enough to move on.

112. Keeping baggage from the past will prevent happiness in the future.

113. As you mature, you will grow past certain people.

114. Once I destroy bridges behind me, there is no way but to move forward.

115. We cannot move forward if we cannot adapt to various situations that come our way.

116. We must forgive ourselves for our mistakes, learn from them, and move on.

117. If you ever doubt your ability to go far, remember all the challenges you’ve been through, the battles you’ve won, and all the fears you’ve overcome.

118. Although growth and change can be painful, staying stagnant is the worst pain.

119. Accepting change and spending time on what makes you stronger makes you move forward in life.

120. Regardless of what anyone thinks, keep moving forward and do what you have to do.

121. When you let go of what’s behind you, you can reach what’s in front of you.

122. Be grateful for the past and look forward to the future.

123. You’re falling backwards if you’re not moving forward.

124. The most difficult part of moving forward is not looking back.

125. You can’t live the life you desire if all you do is standstill.

126. If you keep reading the last chapter of your life, you will never move on to the next.

127. To keep your balance in life you must keep moving.

128. As long as you’re moving forward, even if it’s a single step, never stop.

129. Setting goals and moving forward with them is exciting.

130. Start working toward your goal by connecting with people who share your dreams.

131. The more time you spend with creative people, the more tools you’ll need to move forward.

132. No matter how big or small the problem, forgiveness helps us open up the doors again and move forward.

133. You need to have the confidence and keep moving forward because that’s the only way you’ll finish your projects and get better.

134. I try not to think about my past and only move forward in the present.

135. When you help others transform their pain into energy, you create a new future for yourself and them.

136. To succeed, you must remain proactive and keep trying your best until you find what works.

137. Holding on to the past will not help you move forward, dream big instead.

138. If we keep looking in the rearview mirror for too long, we will lose everything moving forward.

139. Sometimes the unexpected happens; you have to roll with it and keep going forward.

140. The only way to stop regretting is to keep moving forward.

141. Living is about how much you can take and how much you can suffer to keep moving forward.

142. Growing and evolving depends on your ability to listen, move forward and learn from experience.

143. You must keep your head up, work hard, and keep moving forward.

144. Taking baby steps counts too, as long as you’re moving forward.

145. When everyone is moving forward together, success will follow.

146. Never stop learning, it’s the only way to move forward.

147. By staying calm and moving forward, you can manage what happens.

148. As you move forward, keep your balance, poise, and sense of security.

149. For the soul to grow, it is imperative to keep moving forward.

150. The most important thing a broken person can do is stay positive and keep moving forward.

151. Making mistakes is only acceptable if they lead to progress.

152. Moving forward in a positive direction is all that we need to do everyday.

153. No matter what happens, keep moving forward like an avalanche.

154. You can’t get anything done by looking back, you need to move forward.

155. There is a long road ahead, so keep your focus and keep moving forward.

156. When you fall on your face, stand up and keep moving forward.

157. Being brave and taking risks is the only way to move forward.

158. Let go, forgive yourself, forgive the situation, and move forward.

159. It takes twice less the energy to move forward as it does to blame and suffer in misery.

160. As you look forward to the future, it is vital to let go of the hurt and pain of the past.

161. If you never challenge yourself beyond what you know, you will never grow.

162. While starting over may be challenging, it is also a chance to improve.

163. Any pace is fine as long as you do not stop.

164. We can learn a lot from failure, but we have to move forward despite failing.

165. Imagine the life you want in the future and start moving toward it one step at a time.

166. Successful people keep moving forward even after making mistakes.

167. Painful guilt keeps us bound to the past and prevents us from moving forward.

168. Work hard and move forward instead of reminiscing and regretting the past.

169. Don’t let obstacles deter you from moving forward.

170. The start of every great journey is always one small step forward.

171. Better things lie ahead than any we leave behind.

172. You will not advance if you remain at the same level of satisfaction as before.

173. Everyone makes mistakes, but you can only move forward if you bounce back from them.

174. You have the power within you to move forward if you are truly committed to progress.

175. Focus on what you can do next, not on what went wrong.

176. Rather than focusing on setbacks, take the changes in stride and move forward.

177. The key to perseverance is to bounce back and keep going.

178. Acknowledge the past and move on from it.

179. In hard times we shouldn’t stop believing and we shouldn’t stop growing.

180. The outcome of life will not always be what you had hoped for, you must stay optimistic and keep moving forward.

181. Until you stop trying to please everyone, you cannot go far.

182. Focus on what to do next to move forward instead of what has happened.

183. Don’t focus on setbacks when you see them, just keep moving till you’re past them.

184. Moving forward is moving towards perfection without fear.

185. Acknowledge and understand your past and move on from it.

186. Let your curiosity lead you through new paths in your pursuit of excellence.

187. Start afresh every single day like nothing happened the previous day.

188. Today is not the time to dwell on yesterday.

189. You have the power to push change through your Disappointments.

190. You can change your circumstances irrespective of your belief.

191. Moving forward is easier if you make peace with your past.

192. Be grateful for all the moments you’ve experienced but keep moving forward with each step.

193. The more we focus on the past, the more we lose sight of the future.

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88 Most Inspiring and Love Quotes for Christmas
Want to Live a Happy Life? Here are 13 Things to Focus On
85 Inspiring Love Relationship Quotes, Let’s build a greater bond
Ultimate Positive Mindset: Here are 15 ways to achieve it
22 Exciting Healthy Eating Lifestyle tips to keep you on track
Positivity and Negativity: 11 Reasons to quickly Avoid Negative People
Effective Skill Development,15 Ultimate ways to achieve it
Effective Study Strategy Techniques, 15 keys you need to activate
Team Motivation Strategies,10 Ultimate Tips To Keep Your Team Motivated
15 Ultimate Good Habits for Successful and Happy Life
These 9 Highly Effective Study Habits are Needed for a Successful Life
16 Ways to Stop Procrastinating, this is the ONLY way out
Life Improvement: 15 Small and easy ways to improve your life in 90 days
How to study smarter and not harder:14 Ultimate study strategy tips
Tracking Progress: You need to adopt all 12 Simple Ways to Track Progress Towards Your Goals
Anxiety (All you need to know): Managing and controlling Anxiety
Long Term Goals: You need these 10 proven ways to succeed
Motivation: 7 easy and applicable ways to stay motivated
Better Sleep: Sleep like a baby with these12 proven tips
Depression: All you need to know and getting out successfully
The needed and simple Time Management Skills for College Students
Vegan vs Vegetarian: Which is better? Everything you need to know
The FEMINISM MOVEMENT: All you need to know
7 Facts About The Law Of Attraction And 7 Practical Ways To Make It Work For You