Life Transforming Quotes

197 FREEDOM QUOTES that will Liberate Your Mind, Spirit, Soul and Body

It can only get better from here

Freedom is about possibility and choice. We all have a lot of freedom in our lives. I think that’s why it’s so important to recognize it, nurture it and make the most of it. Feeling free to choose what we do and how we live our lives can really make the difference between struggling or thriving.These quotes remind us that we all have freedom to live life on our own terms. When things don’t work out as planned, remember that it’s okay and there are always other possibilities waiting for you! You can also find some more quotes on Goodreads And Brainyquote.

1. The real enemies of freedom are those who want people to think and act like them.

2. Unless freedom is used, it dies.

3. Until you understand the responsibility that comes with your freedom, you are not a hero.

4. There is no little freedom, you are either free or not free.

5. Cherish early successes because they are a great generator of freedom.

6. Finding your path to ecstasy is the route to true freedom.

7. Except you want to do right, you have no right to do as you please.

8. The freedom to decide is the most precious gift to have.

9. We only have as much freedom as our intelligence and courage permit.

10. A healthy mind and body create the freedom that helps us enjoy life.

11. Be ready to die for your freedom.

12. Freedom is a space we have to occupy every day.

13. Freedom is our natural power of doing things we love as long as the law doesn’t prevent us.

14. The more freedom we give away, the more we will have.

15. Freedom is the right to our dignity.

16. Freedom is nothing else than the right to live as we wish.

17. We can only protect our freedom by protecting someone else’s freedom.

18. Freedom granted before its maturation could be detrimental.

19. Freedom holds so much value because of its pricelessness.

20. Freedom is blind until it becomes a conscious necessity.

21. Humanity craves freedom at its core.

22. Freedom is living your life free from obstruction.

23. Freedom allows you to be what you never thought you could be.

24. Freedom of expression goes with the freedom to offend.

25. Freedom is an opportunity to be better.

26. Freedom recognizes necessity.

27. Except you support freedom, you cannot reap its blessing.

28. It is complete hopelessness to falsely believe we are free, when in reality we are not.

29. Fear is the imprisonment of freedom.

30. Freedom is the boldness to act and be who you’ve always desired.

31. The power to choose inner peace is the richest freedom we can have.

32. We have the freedom to go wrong in our way, but not in someone else’s.

33. Never sacrifice your freedom for fear of truth.

34. Be free as you can, even when there is no freedom yet.

35. The quality of our lives is determined by the level of freedom we have.

36. True freedom lies in authenticity and fearlessness.

37. See rejections as newfound freedom, and it won’t hurt much.

38. Freedom is the product of flexible thought.

39. There’s always a great price to pay for freedom but it is worth it.

40. Only when we are free to choose can we become responsible for our actions.

41. Commitment brings the most meaningful freedom in our lives.

42. It’s difficult to preserve freedom if you have been in bondage for too long.

43. Freedom is delicate and must be handled with utmost care.

44. Freedom is worthless if you don’t know what to do with it.

45. A life without freedom is empty.

46. The beautiful thing about freedom is our ability to forget and move on.

47. Until you overcome your fears, you cannot be truly free.

48. You become free when you understand that no external force can rule you inwardly.

49. Freedom makes us whole on our own, without needing someone else to complete us.

50. It’s hard to win back freedom once it has been lost.

51. Finding freedom is the first step to living free.

52. There is no absolute freedom except you take absolute responsibility for your life.

53. Except you snap out of the illusion of freedom, you can never have it.

54. Except freedom is your goal, you will repeat the same mistakes.

55. With freedom, we have the choice of how we spend our time.

56. Freedom is the most civilized experience anyone can have.

57. The feeling of full freedom is the most liberating ever to have.

58. Never trade your freedom for safety.

59. Until you realize that no one can give you freedom, you’ve not stepped into self-realization.

60. Let your love for freedom help you do what you love.

61. We are not free until we do not need to impress everyone.

62. We can’t thrive in the future or enjoy the present if we don’t find freedom from our past.

63. You have to value your freedom enough to defend it.

64. Because freedom is limitless, it has the potential to destroy.

65. Freedom means accountability to yourself and mastery of yourself.

66. Responsibility is the mark of progress, not freedom.

67. Your freedom is dependent on how much your society has evolved.

68. Cherish the gift of freedom with all of your heart.

69. Your choice of freedom becomes the freedom you get.

70. Except well managed, too much freedom could be chaotic, and too little of it could mean captivity.

71. Having freedom is not enough, knowing how to practice it matters too.

72. It’s your responsibility to secure your freedom and happiness.

73. We have to be indifferent to the future and the past to be truly free.

74. Freedom is an expensive jewel, yet a cheap parchment.

75. Abuse of freedom is the greatest form of mental confinement.

76. Face the challenges of today for the freedom of tomorrow.

77. Freedom with restriction is classified as bondage.

78. Freedom is not just a state but a feeling.

79. The value of freedom can best be described by those who only dream of having it.

80. We all have the freedom to fail, so we can learn and not repeat the same.

81. Freedom doesn’t come naturally, we have to fight for it.

82. Celebrating freedom without freedom is the worst type of deceit.

83. Valuing your freedom above everything else keeps you at the top of your game.

84. Freedom depends on collective effort rather than personal will.

85. In true love, we attain freedom.

86. Appreciating the freedom of others is how we learn to value ours.

87. Freedom gives no liberty to stupidity but a prudent use.

88. Freedom without a moral compass can result in detrimental habits.

89. Freedom requires a natural flow of emotions.

 90. Our freedom is hinged on our beliefs.

91. Freedom without forbearance is not complete.

92. Irresponsible freedom is a complete disaster.

93. Without rules, freedom is left unguided and prone to abuse.

94. Cruel freedom serves you more rights but takes away your most choices.

95. The freedom to get up and leave in a toxic environment is the most valuable.

96. To be truly free, we need to free ourselves from attachment to delusions that stops our intentions.

97. Freedom is a chore, not a reward.

98. True freedom lies in detaching yourself from pleasing everybody.

99. Except freedom penetrates your consciousness, it is a mere desire.

100. If you don’t discern slavery masquerading as freedom, you will fall prey to its plot.

101. Until we cease to exist, we are not free from the demands of life.

102. Until you are free from pleasing everyone, you are not free.

103. Don’t just seek freedom, embrace the responsibilities that come with it.

104. We must love so much that the other person feels the freedom in their soul.

105. If your freedom to believe is taken away, your humanity will suffer.

106. Living your life your way with your rules is the best experience of freedom you can ask for.

107. Be prepared for battles if freedom is your goal.

108. Freedom is the right to be different without the fear of repression.

109. Fight for your freedom because no one will give it to you.

110. The lack of freedom is a constraint, even with riches.

111. If you don’t cherish your freedom, you will exchange it for something far less.

112. Freedom is the force that binds us all more than the willingness to live.

113. Freedom is the positive vibrations of joy and happiness.

114. Once you’ve tasted freedom, there is no going back.

115. Never mistake independence for freedom.

116. Your willingness to suffer for freedom is a remarkable thing to do.

117. Freedom is the purest intent of our existence.

118. Freedom can easily be taken away if taken for granted.

119. Taking responsibilities guarantees freedom, giving it away keeps you in bondage.

120. The need to coexist makes freedom limited.

121. Believe you have the freedom to make your dreams come true or it will only remain a dream.

122. Creativity cannot thrive in the absence of freedom.

123. Living life on your terms is the truest definition of freedom.

124. Letting go of bondage is the most liberating thing to do.

125. Never mistake insolence for freedom.

126. Freedom keeps you soaring, but doubt destroys your ability to fly.

127. The opposite of freedom is staying in the bondage which keeps you from living the life you deserve.

128. Freedom is doing what you should, not what you want.

129. We all have the freedom to change our destiny.

130. Freedom is not a lack of constraint or choice but what we are meant to be.

131. Our freedom is an opportunity to do what is right.

132. Only after we conquer our fear do we find freedom.

133. No one gets free by worrying about offending others.

134. Freedom is the ability to set ourselves free.

135. Freedom belongs to those who dare to defend it.

136. Never confuse money making with freedom.

137. Freedom is not complete without bravery.

138. There is no freedom of choice if we don’t learn how to make choices.

139. Freedom gives us the opportunity to understand the worth of living.

140. Step out and take the risk because you have the freedom to begin again at any moment.

141. Protect your freedom until there is nothing left.

142. You don’t walk away from freedom, you walk into it.

143. Freedom allows us to choose from alternatives.

144. If we do nothing better in freedom, we remain in the confinement we once wished to escape from.

145. Complete freedom follows no rules.

146. Freedom is not just a state but a title you need to defend constantly.

147. Without freedom, every other thing is vanity.

148. The level of peace you are willing to sacrifice will determine the level of your freedom.

149. Freedom begins on the day you wander from mediocrity.

150. Indiscipline can creep in when you have more freedom than you can handle.

151. Sometimes it hurts to be free, but it’s worth the pain.

152. Freedom is a priceless value to possess.

153. Freedom and discipline are inseparable.

154. If you don’t start using the freedom in your mind, it won’t reflect in your life.

155. Until we awaken to our truth, we are not free.

156. The closest thing to freedom is having someone who loves you without trying to control you.

157. Freedom of thought and action are the most important things in life.

158. The freedom to do what you want is where happiness lies.

159. Freedom is a license to exercise our choice in given situations.

160. A suppressed freedom causes an ailment to the heart.

161. Indivisible freedom is freedom indeed.

162. There is no peace without freedom.

163. Our freedom is what we make of it.

164. Freedom makes us responsible for ourselves.

165. Freedom is the ability to choose and be committed to a worthy goal.

166. Until we examine the choices available to us and the consequences, we cannot have freedom.

167. We all need freedom for the full expression of our personality.

168. Bitterness and hatred are obstacles to freedom.

169. The people who hate you possibly envy your freedom.

170. Freedom begins when we learn not to take things personally.

171. We can truly be free by disregarding things that are beyond our control.

172. Conformity takes away freedom and hinders growth.

173. Take freedom because no one will give you.

174. A poorly managed freedom can be destructive.

175. True happiness lies in freedom, but courage is the root.

176. You can’t separate responsibility from freedom.

177. You can’t achieve true freedom if your mind is not freed by discipline.

178. We cannot be free and happy if we keep worrying about what other people think of us.

179. You can’t be free until you have nothing to lose.

180. Boldness is the first step to freedom.

181. Our fear of freedom vanishes when we expose ourselves to our deepest fear.

182. Giving up your freedom for temporary safety makes you unworthy of freedom.

183. You need to give up on what weighs you down if you want to be free.

184. The freedom to be what you are, is the most important kind of freedom.

185. The freedom to make mistakes is one of the things that makes freedom valuable.

186. You don’t earn freedom by denying others theirs.

187. True Freedom is living in a way that enhances and respects the freedom of others.

188. Freedom is only for the bold.

189. Until you desire to be responsible for yourself, you cannot be truly free.

190. Freedom is a chance to be better.

191. Freedom from fear is what you need to move forward.

192. Don’t just acquire freedom, do all you can to preserve it.

193. We all have the freedom to stand for what is right in order to make our life beautiful and meaningful.

194. You have to take the life and freedom you desire by storm every day.

195. You have to struggle for freedom if you want it constantly.

196. Until we discover who we are, we are never free.

Table of Contents

1. The real enemies of freedom are those who want people to think and act like them.

Freedom Quotes

2. Unless freedom is used, it dies.

Freedom Quotes

3. Until you understand the responsibility that comes with your freedom, you are not a hero.

Quotes on Freedom

4. There is no little freedom, you are either free or not free.

Freedom Quotes

5. Cherish early successes because they are a great generator of freedom.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

6. Finding your path to ecstasy is the route to true freedom.

Freedom Quotes

7. Except you want to do right, you have no right to do as you please.

Quotes on Freedom

8. The freedom to decide is the most precious gift to have.

Freedom Quotes

9. We only have as much freedom as our intelligence and courage permit.

Quotes on Freedom

10. A healthy mind and body create the freedom that helps us enjoy life.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

11. Be ready to die for your freedom.

Quotes on Freedom

12. Freedom is a space we have to occupy every day. 

Freedom Quotes

13. Freedom is our natural power of doing things we love as long as the law doesn’t prevent us.

Quotes on Freedom

14. The more freedom we give away, the more we will have.

Freedom Quotes

15. Freedom is the right to our dignity.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

16. Freedom is nothing else than the right to live as we wish.

Freedom Quotes

17. We can only protect our freedom by protecting someone else’s freedom.

Quotes on Freedom

18. Freedom granted before its maturation could be detrimental.

Freedom Quotes

19. Freedom holds so much value because of its pricelessness.

Quotes on Freedom

20. Freedom is blind until it becomes a conscious necessity.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

21. Humanity craves freedom at its core.

Freedom Quotes

22. Freedom is living your life free from obstruction.

Quotes on Freedom

23. Freedom allows you to be what you never thought you could be.

Freedom Quotes

24. Freedom of expression goes with the freedom to offend.

Quotes on Freedom

25. Freedom is an opportunity to be better.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

26. Freedom recognizes necessity.

Quotes on Freedom

27. Except you support freedom, you cannot reap its blessing.

Freedom Quotes

28. It is complete hopelessness to falsely believe we are free, when in reality we are not.

Freedom Quotes

29. Fear is the imprisonment of freedom.

Quotes on Freedom

30. Freedom is the boldness to act and be who you’ve always desired.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

31. The power to choose inner peace is the richest freedom we can have.

Quotes on Freedom

32. We have the freedom to go wrong in our way, but not in someone else’s.

Freedom Quotes

33. Never sacrifice your freedom for fear of truth.

Quotes on Freedom

34. Be free as you can, even when there is no freedom yet.

Freedom Quotes

35. The quality of our lives is determined by the level of freedom we have.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

36. True freedom lies in authenticity and fearlessness.

Freedom Quotes

37. See rejections as newfound freedom, and it won’t hurt much.

Quotes on Freedom

38. Freedom is the product of flexible thought.

Freedom Quotes

39. There’s always a great price to pay for freedom but it is worth it.

Quotes on Freedom

40. Only when we are free to choose can we become responsible for our actions.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

41. Commitment brings the most meaningful freedom in our lives.

Quotes on Freedom

42. It’s difficult to preserve freedom if you have been in bondage for too long.

Freedom Quotes

43. Freedom is delicate and must be handled with utmost care.

Quotes on Freedom

44. Freedom is worthless if you don’t know what to do with it.

Freedom Quotes

45. A life without freedom is empty.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

46. The beautiful thing about freedom is our ability to forget and move on.

Freedom Quotes

47. Until you overcome your fears, you cannot be truly free.

Quotes on Freedom

48. You become free when you understand that no external force can rule you inwardly.

Freedom Quotes

49. Freedom makes us whole on our own, without needing someone else to complete us.

Freedom Quotes

50. It’s hard to win back freedom once it has been lost.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

51. Finding freedom is the first step to living free.

Freedom Quotes

52. There is no absolute freedom except you take absolute responsibility for your life.

Quotes on Freedom

53. Except you snap out of the illusion of freedom, you can never have it.

Freedom Quotes

54. Except freedom is your goal, you will repeat the same mistakes.

Quotes on Freedom

55. With freedom, we have the choice of how we spend our time.

Freedom Quotes

56. Freedom is the most civilized experience anyone can have.

Quotes on Freedom

57. The feeling of full freedom is the most liberating ever to have.

Freedom Quotes

58. Never trade your freedom for safety.

Quotes on Freedom

59. Until you realize that no one can give you freedom, you’ve not stepped into self-realization.

Freedom Quotes

60. Let your love for freedom help you do what you love.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

61. We are not free until we do not need to impress everyone.

Freedom Quotes

62. We can’t thrive in the future or enjoy the present if we don’t find freedom from our past.

Quotes on Freedom

63. You have to value your freedom enough to defend it.

Freedom Quotes

64. Because freedom is limitless, it has the potential to destroy.

Quotes on Freedom

65. Freedom means accountability to yourself and mastery of yourself.

Freedom Quotes

66. Responsibility is the mark of progress, not freedom.

Quotes on Freedom

67. Your freedom is dependent on how much your society has evolved.

Freedom Quotes

68. Cherish the gift of freedom with all of your heart.

Quotes on Freedom

69. Your choice of freedom becomes the freedom you get.

Freedom Quotes

70. Except well managed, too much freedom could be chaotic, and too little of it could mean captivity.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

71. Having freedom is not enough, knowing how to practice it matters too.

Freedom Quotes

72. It’s your responsibility to secure your freedom and happiness.

Quotes on Freedom

73. We have to be indifferent to the future and the past to be truly free.

Freedom Quotes

74. Freedom is an expensive jewel, yet a cheap parchment.

Quotes on Freedom

75. Abuse of freedom is the greatest form of mental confinement.

Freedom Quotes

76. Face the challenges of today for the freedom of tomorrow.

Quotes on Freedom

77. Freedom with restriction is classified as bondage.

Freedom Quotes

78. Freedom is not just a state but a feeling.

Quotes on Freedom

79. The value of freedom can best be described by those who only dream of having it.

Freedom Quotes

80. We all have the freedom to fail, so we can learn and not repeat the same.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

81. Freedom doesn’t come naturally, we have to fight for it.

Freedom Quotes

82. Celebrating freedom without freedom is the worst type of deceit.

Quotes on Freedom

83. Valuing your freedom above everything else keeps you at the top of your game.

Freedom Quotes

84. Freedom depends on collective effort rather than personal will.

Quotes on Freedom

85. In true love, we attain freedom.

Freedom Quotes

86. Appreciating the freedom of others is how we learn to value ours.

Quotes on Freedom

87. Freedom gives no liberty to stupidity but a prudent use.

Freedom Quotes

88. Freedom without a moral compass can result in detrimental habits.

Quotes on Freedom

89. Freedom requires a natural flow of emotions.

Freedom Quotes

90. Our freedom is hinged on our beliefs.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

91. Freedom without forbearance is not complete.

Freedom Quotes

92. Irresponsible freedom is a complete disaster.

Quotes on Freedom

93. Without rules, freedom is left unguided and prone to abuse.

Freedom Quotes

94. Cruel freedom serves you more rights but takes away your most choices.

Quotes on Freedom

95. The freedom to get up and leave in a toxic environment is the most valuable.

Freedom Quotes

96. To be truly free, we need to free ourselves from attachment to delusions that stops our intentions.

Quotes on Freedom

97. Freedom is a chore, not a reward.

Freedom Quotes

98. True freedom lies in detaching yourself from pleasing everybody.

Quotes on Freedom

99. Except freedom penetrates your consciousness, it is a mere desire.

Quotes on Freedom

100. If you don’t discern slavery masquerading as freedom, you will fall prey to its plot.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

101. Until we cease to exist, we are not free from the demands of life.

Quotes on Freedom

102. Until you are free from pleasing everyone, you are not free.

Freedom Quotes

103. Don’t just seek freedom, embrace the responsibilities that come with it.

Quotes on Freedom

104. We must love so much that the other person feels the freedom in their soul.

Freedom Quotes

105. If your freedom to believe is taken away, your humanity will suffer.

Quotes on Freedom

106. Living your life your way with your rules is the best experience of freedom you can ask for.

Freedom Quotes

107. Be prepared for battles if freedom is your goal.

Quotes on Freedom

108. Freedom is the right to be different without the fear of repression.

Freedom Quotes

109. Fight for your freedom because no one will give it to you.

Quotes on Freedom

110. The lack of freedom is a constraint, even with riches.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

111. If you don’t cherish your freedom, you will exchange it for something far less.

Quotes on Freedom

112. Freedom is the force that binds us all more than the willingness to live.

Quotes on Freedom

113. Freedom is the positive vibrations of joy and happiness.

Freedom Quotes

114. Once you’ve tasted freedom, there is no going back.

Quotes on Freedom

115. Never mistake independence for freedom.

Freedom Quotes

116. Your willingness to suffer for freedom is a remarkable thing to do.

Quotes on Freedom

117. Freedom is the purest intent of our existence.

Freedom Quotes

118. Freedom can easily be taken away if taken for granted.

Quotes on Freedom

119. Taking responsibilities guarantees freedom, giving it away keeps you in bondage.

Freedom Quotes

120. The need to coexist makes freedom limited.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

121. Believe you have the freedom to make your dreams come true or it will only remain a dream.

Freedom Quotes

122. Creativity cannot thrive in the absence of freedom.

Quotes on Freedom

123. Living life on your terms is the truest definition of freedom.

Freedom Quotes

124. Letting go of bondage is the most liberating thing to do.

Quotes on Freedom

125. Never mistake insolence for freedom.

Freedom Quotes

126. Freedom keeps you soaring, but doubt destroys your ability to fly.

Quotes on Freedom

127. The opposite of freedom is staying in the bondage which keeps you from living the life you deserve.

Freedom Quotes

128. Freedom is doing what you should, not what you want.

Quotes on Freedom

129. We all have the freedom to change our destiny.

Freedom Quotes

130. Freedom is not a lack of constraint or choice but what we are meant to be.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

131. Our freedom is an opportunity to do what is right.

Freedom Quotes

132. Only after we conquer our fear do we find freedom.

Quotes on Freedom

133. No one gets free by worrying about offending others.

Freedom Quotes

134. Freedom is the ability to set ourselves free.

Quotes on Freedom

135. Freedom belongs to those who dare to defend it.

Freedom Quotes

136. Never confuse money making with freedom.

Quotes on Freedom

137. Freedom is not complete without bravery.

Freedom Quotes

138. There is no freedom of choice if we don’t learn how to make choices.

Quotes on Freedom

139. Freedom gives us the opportunity to understand the worth of living.

Freedom Quotes

140. Step out and take the risk because you have the freedom to begin again at any moment.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

141. Protect your freedom until there is nothing left.

Freedom Quotes

142. You don’t walk away from freedom, you walk into it.

Quotes on Freedom

143. Freedom allows us to choose from alternatives.

Freedom Quotes

144. If we do nothing better in freedom, we remain in the confinement we once wished to escape from.

Freedom Quotes

145. Complete freedom follows no rules.

Freedom Quotes

146. Freedom is not just a state but a title you need to defend constantly.

Quotes on Freedom

147. Without freedom, every other thing is vanity.

Freedom Quotes

148. The level of peace you are willing to sacrifice will determine the level of your freedom.

Quotes on Freedom

149. Freedom begins on the day you wander from mediocrity.

Freedom Quotes

150. Indiscipline can creep in when you have more freedom than you can handle.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

151. Sometimes it hurts to be free, but it’s worth the pain.

Freedom Quotes

152. Freedom is a priceless value to possess.

Quotes on Freedom

153. Freedom and discipline are inseparable.

Quotes on Freedom

154. If you don’t start using the freedom in your mind, it won’t reflect in your life.

Freedom Quotes

155. Until we awaken to our truth, we are not free.

Quotes on Freedom

156. The closest thing to freedom is having someone who loves you without trying to control you.

Freedom Quotes

157. Freedom of thought and action are the most important things in life.

Quotes on Freedom

158. The freedom to do what you want is where happiness lies.

Freedom Quotes

159. Freedom is a license to exercise our choice in given situations.

Quotes on Freedom

160. A suppressed freedom causes an ailment to the heart.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

161. Indivisible freedom is freedom indeed.

Quotes on Freedom

162. There is no peace without freedom.

Freedom Quotes

163. Our freedom is what we make of it.

Quotes on Freedom

164. Freedom makes us responsible for ourselves.

Freedom Quotes

165. Freedom is the ability to choose and be committed to a worthy goal.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

166. Until we examine the choices available to us and the consequences, we cannot have freedom.

Quotes on Freedom

167. We all need freedom for the full expression of our personality.

Freedom Quotes

168. Bitterness and hatred are obstacles to freedom.

Quotes on Freedom

169. The people who hate you possibly envy your freedom.

Freedom Quotes

170. Freedom begins when we learn not to take things personally.

Quotes on Freedom
It can only get better from here

171. We can truly be free by disregarding things that are beyond our control.

Freedom Quotes

172. Conformity takes away freedom and hinders growth.

Quotes on Freedom

173. Take freedom because no one will give you.

Freedom Quotes

174. A poorly managed freedom can be destructive.

Freedom Quotes

175. True happiness lies in freedom, but courage is the root.

Quotes on Freedom

176. You can’t separate responsibility from freedom.

Freedom Quotes

177. You can’t achieve true freedom if your mind is not freed by discipline.

Freedom Quotes

178. We cannot be free and happy if we keep worrying about what other people think of us.

Quotes on Freedom

179. You can’t be free until you have nothing to lose.

Quotes on Freedom

180. Boldness is the first step to freedom.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

181. Our fear of freedom vanishes when we expose ourselves to our deepest fear.

Quotes on Freedom

182. Giving up your freedom for temporary safety makes you unworthy of freedom.

Freedom Quotes

183. You need to give up on what weighs you down if you want to be free.

Quotes on Freedom

184. The freedom to be what you are, is the most important kind of freedom.

Freedom Quotes

185. The freedom to make mistakes is one of the things that makes freedom valuable.

Quotes on Freedom

186. You don’t earn freedom by denying others theirs.

Freedom Quotes

187. True Freedom is living in a way that enhances and respects the freedom of others.

Quotes on Freedom

188. Freedom is only for the bold.

Freedom Quotes

189. Until you desire to be responsible for yourself, you cannot be truly free.

Quotes on Freedom

190. Freedom is a chance to be better.

Freedom Quotes
It can only get better from here

191. Freedom from fear is what you need to move forward.

Quotes on Freedom

192. Don’t just acquire freedom, do all you can to preserve it.

Freedom Quotes

193. We all have the freedom to stand for what is right in order to make our life beautiful and meaningful.

Quotes on Freedom

194. You have to take the life and freedom you desire by storm every day.

Freedom Quotes

195. You have to struggle for freedom if you want it constantly.

Quotes on Freedom

196. Until we discover who we are, we are never free.