Life Transforming Quotes

190 OPPORTUNITIES QUOTES; These Opportunity Quotes will help you identify and grab an opportunity every day

It can only get better from here

If you want to succeed in life, make sure you are prepared for the right opportunity at the right time. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 190 quotes on opportunity—all in one place and easily accessible when you need to refresh your mindset. Whether it’s a great line or an inspirational quote, you can use this list to help sharpen your business acumen and stay on track with upcoming opportunities. You can also find some more quotes on Brainy Quote and Workspace Digital.

1. How pitiful it is for someone who sees the perfect opportunity and still wait for a better one.

2. Unprepared people lose out on an opportunity.

3. It is essential to find an opportunity where the risk-reward ratio is optimum.

4. Look for opportunities to do random acts of kindness every day, make someone smile.

5. A single opportunity of any size is worth taking.

6. Every new experience is an opportunity to gain accurate perspective and clarity in our lives.

7. Catch every opportunity as they come there might not be another for a long time.

8. We all deserve and opportunity to fight for what we deserve in life.

9. Every great celebrity started with little or no opportunity when they started.

10. Opportunities will make you ridiculous if you don’t prepare yourself to profit by every chance.

11. We have the opportunity to learn and absorb new things when we work on new projects.

12. Denying a child opportunity to education is simply depriving them of success.

12. Helping people develop their talent or realize an idea is one of the many opportunities you can extend to younger folks.

13. Amid pressure, never lose focus of opportunities ahead.  

14. See your setbacks as an opportunity to come back stronger.

15. The ideal American dream is an opportunity to work hard at making your future successful.

16. It’s an opportunity to be a part of the new and emerging category of human existence.

17. It isn’t very pleasant to have an opportunity and not take advantage of it.

18. Blowing an opportunity is worse than receiving an undeserved opportunity.

19. Being human is an opportunity to experience all the wonders of the world.

20. Don’t shy away from opportunities to make substantive changes in your career.

21. The big things in life have significant opportunity costs attached to them.

22. It’s an opportunity to contribute to the greater good.

23. Until you find an opportunity, a business is only a sprint.

24. It’s not as much about having great power as it is about using power for great ends.

25. Partnerships and collaborations are the best sources of opportunity.

26. The opportunity of today is the prosperity of tomorrow.

27. Without opportunity, our ability has little relevance.

28. Every morning brings you the opportunity to conquer your day.

29. One of the opportunities of fatherhood is being a part of new life’s development process.

30. Every woman wants the opportunity to love and be accepted in all aspects of womanhood.

31. Opportunity is never scarce to great minds.

32. When we see a challenge as an opportunity, we are already halfway to our destination.

33. An opportunity has no value unless we are prepared to seize it.  

34. See failing as an opportunity to try again better. 

35. It is possible for opportunities to be missed when you stop being positive.

36. It’s only an idle man that complains of having no opportunity.

37. Opportunity exists for only a few minutes and will disappear if you don’t obey your gut’s command to take it.

38. Opportunity and risk go hand in hand.

39. Sometimes an opportunity is just a link to a bigger opportunity.

40. Overtime opportunity becomes luck if we let it.

41. Maximize an opportunity so you can receive another.

42. My main objective is to seize every opportunity that comes my way.

43. There are unlimited opportunities to have better lives, only if you can set it.

44. There are far more opportunities than there are talents.

45. When you pursue opportunities you have a better chance of achieving financial security.

46. Leadership provides opportunities to  impact others positively.

47. You can never tell how great an individual can be without the right opportunities.

48. Opportunities never waits for anyone.

49. Most people will rarely see opportunity till it disappears.

50. A fair and just society opens opportunities to all, not considering class.

51. A closed mind cannot accommodate opportunity.

52. One can see opportunity without first accepting themselves.

53. Difficulties are opportunities for compassion and self-reflection.

54. See problems as personal teachers that allows moving from the past into possibilities.

55. Education opens up opportunities for inspiration.

56. Mistakes should be forgiven as an opportunity for a second chance.

57. Make detours an opportunity to try new things.

58. Don’t make mistakes for failures,learn from each failed opportunity.

59. If a leader provides an opportunity, the individuals are expected to contribute.

60. The opportunity to impart our wisdom to the younger generation transcends time .

61. Acting prematurely and letting opportunities slip are the worst strategic mistakes to make.

62. Our abilities are equal, but our opportunities are not.

63. The great art of life lies in seizing the opportunities within our reach.

64. Danger and opportunity are inseparable.

65. Collective organizational success results  from first giving individuals the opportunity to succeed personally.

66. Improve your communication skills at every given opportunity.

67. No matter how difficult the year must have been see every day as a new opportunity.

68. Those who give people the opportunity to do the right thing are rarely disappointed.

69. Forgiveness is an opportunity to be at peace with yourself and others.

70. The longer you deliberate on an opportunity, the higher your chances of losing it.

70. You should use effectively opportunities that allow you to use your voice.

71. Each interaction with people is an opportunity for training.

72. See the turbulence in life as an opportunity for change.

73. Don’t just open doors of opportunity when it presents itself, but also equip people to walk through them.

74. The world doesn’t owe you a living but the opportunity to make a living.

75. The key to happiness is to find what you are fitted to do and to find the opportunity to do it.

76. A wasted moment is squandered opportunity that cannot be replaced.

77. Apologies are opportunities to start your relationship again on a better note.

78. The failure of an industry is the potential opportunity for another.

79. It is education that opens doors of opportunity.

80. You have to let go of your ego to embrace the opportunity to learn more.

81. The opportunity for development given to each individual will determine what is valuable in human society.

82. Knowledge is the power that controls opportunity and advancement.  

83. The opportunity to become more comes from acquiring new knowledge.

84. Life presents great opportunities as big disasters sometimes.

85. Creating the future  together is the opportunity we all have.

86. We will be successful if we learn to jump at opportunities as we jump to conclusions.

87. Take every opportunity as a learning experience.

88. Life offers us an opportunity to give back by becoming more than we ever imagined.

89. Opportunities arise from change.

90. Transitions are difficult but they are an opportunity to purge , rethink priorities and establish new habits.

91. You are not limited to the opportunities of where you live, get out of your comfort zone.

92. The opportunity to learn from everything makes you stronger.

93. Don’t get too caught up in the present, you may miss an opportunity to become who you want to be.

94. Being fortunate to have opportunities means making sure others also have them.

95. While chaos brings uncertainty, it can also spark creativity and growth.

96. A storm is an opportunity for pines and cypress to demonstrate their strength and stability.

97. Only if you are open to change can you get the most out of your talents.

98. The only thing that is secure on this planet is opportunity.

99. Success is about opportunity and choice.

100. You have the opportunity to change someones’s life every time you learn something new.

101. Change happens when courageous, skilled leaders seize opportunities for improvement.

102. Opportunities dance with those already dancing.

103. The simple act of giving humans the opportunity  to grow can result in untold abilities.

104. Quiet time alone is an opportunity to renew the mind.

105. Our greatest opportunity to develop into healthy people is knowing that we can be loved precisely as we are.

106. Opportunities are the rungs that makes it possible to climb the ladder of success.

107. You can’t take any opportunity for granted, prepare for it instead.

108. Globalization is a terrific opportunity.

109. Don’t expect an opportunity you are not ready for.

110. Those who initiate change will have a better chance of managing  inevitable change.

111. Find great opportunities where you are.

112. Opportunities never announce their presence.

113. A missed opportunity is the most expensive.

 114. You have the opportunity to learn something new and become better every day.

115. There is no shame in jumping at opportunities, but there is shame in not attempting.

116. Giving people the opportunity to spread their wings is the best form of giving back to society.

117. A delayed decision could mean an opportunity missed forever.

118. Passing on opportunities will one day lead to regret.

119. Friendship is only an opportunity, but also a responsibility.

120. We all have the opportunity to contribute a better future for humanity.

121. The opportunity to show kindness is always available for those who care to see it.

122. Life situations are opportunities to learn more about yourself and the best way to achieve your goals.

123. Education is a ladder of opportunity and also a future investment.

124. Every minute is an opportunity to change the world.

125. Each new day is an opportunity to put failures of yesterday behind and start over again.

126. It’s an opportunity to see the beauty in the little things of life.

127. Be grateful for the opportunity to be alive every morning.

128. Don’t just wish your problems away, look for the opportunities in it.

 129. Let your mistakes strengthen you, it could be the opportunity to improve your next move.

130. We all have equal opportunities to succeed if only we work on our weaknesses.

131. With the right perspective, bad times can offer an opportunity to start better.

132. Leadership is not an opportunity to satisfy your greed but a privilege to uplift others.

133. The opportunity to live life is a blessing beyond comprehension.

134. Seize the opportunity to get on the right side of your battles by thinking differently.

135. You should constantly look for opportunities and exploit change.

136. Block your fears, tackle your problems and make a move at every opportunity that presents itself.

137. Let the sky motivate you to seek vastness at every opportunity that comes your way.

138. Great mentors don’t create people into their image, they allow them to create themselves.

139. As you move upward, you will have the opportunity to move closer to the rich.

140. Great success depends on our readiness for opportunities when they come.

141. Each one of us has the opportunity to write our own unique story everyday.

142. You don’t lose your youth as you age,it’s an opportunity you use your strength differently.

143. The opportunity to do more is the reward of hard work.

144. Never let a serious crisis go to waste, it is an opportunity to prove your doubts wrong.

145. Crisis’ is a Chinese word that represents opportunity and danger, the choice is yours.

146. Milestones can only be reached when we rise above expectations and seize opportunities.

147. You have the opportunity to change every minute that passes.

148. Learning from problems and challenges allows you to invent and reinvent yourself.

149. Fortune is when preparation meet opportunity.

150. Never take for granted the opportunities to make a living out of the things you love.

151. Our challenges and pressures are opportunities for us to rise.

152. Seize the opportunity to appreciate every moment before it passes.

153. Holidays are opportunities to switch on your reset mode.

154. Think of freedom as opportunity to do what is right, not what pleases you.

155. Don’t get wrapped in your circumstance, open yourself to opportunities.

156. Wait too long, and you’ll miss opportunities.

157. Always make more opportunities than you find.

158. We move farther away from opportunities every time we focus on the past.

159. Opportunity is always available for those who think big.

160. Taking risks is the best opportunity in the ever-changing world we live in.

161. The missed opportunity of the past cannot be replaced by future diligence.

162. As we start a new day, we have the opportunity to embrace life’s events without fear of what lies ahead.

163. Complaints should be seen as opportunities, not obstacles.

164. Opportunity comes to all, but the secret to success in life is to seize it when it presents itself.

165. We all can choose the life we want.

166. Life isn’t perfect, but we can all get better everyday.

167. Entrepreneurs see opportunities everywhere they look while others see only problems.

168. It is impossible to recognize opportunities if we do not first recognize what we have.

169. Stop waiting for someone else to open up opportunities for you.

170. Inspire others on your journey to a fulfilled and rewarding life by becoming an opportunity magnet.

171. The intellect you have will be of little use if you don’t collaborate with others to  create opportunities.

172. Take the opportunities you receive in life instead of  obligatory tasks.

173. Looking at what other people do does not allow us to see how valuable we are.

174. Every failure contains a hidden opportunity.

175. There is a good chance that your biggest opportunity is right in front of you.

176. Taking advantage of your current situation may be the key to your success.

177. Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one around the corner.

178. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of opportunities when they arise.

179. I missed so much, simply because i was afraid of missing it.

180. Look for opportunities; stop being a piece on the chessboard and become the player.

181. Opportunities are everywhere, but you need to develop the vision to see them.

182. It is essential to keep an open mind to see opportunities.

183. Rather than looking for the right opportunity, create it yourself.  

184. If you wait too long, you will miss opportunities.

185. Opportunities won’t always come your way, but excuses will.

186. Pessimists see the difficulties in opportunities; optimists see opportunities in difficulties.

187. Problems provide opportunities for victory.

188. Even if you aren’t sure how to handle an opportunity, say yes then learn later.

189. Hard work conceals opportunities, so most people don’t realize it when they see them.

190. Opportunities lies amid difficulty.

Table of Contents

1. How pitiful it is for someone who sees the perfect opportunity and still wait for a better one.

Opportunities quote
Opportunities quote

2. Unprepared people lose out on an oppurtunity.

Opportunities quote
Opportunity Window

3. It is essential to find an opportunity where the risk-reward ratio is optimum.

Opportunities quote

4. Look for opportunities to do random acts of kindness every day, make someone smile.

Gateway Opportunities

5. A single opportunity of any size is worth taking.

quotes about new opportunities
It can only get better from here

6. Every new experience is an opportunity to gain accurate perspective and clarity in our lives.

Opportunities quote
Opportunities quote

7. Catch every opportunity as they come there might not be another for a long time.

Opportunities quote
Opportunity Window

8. We all deserve and opportunity to fight for what we deserve in life.


9. Every great celebrity started with little or no opportunity when they started.

Gateway Opportunities

10. Opportunities will make you ridiculous if you don’t prepare yourself to profit by every chance.

quotes about new opportunities
It can only get better from here

11. We have the opportunity to learn and absorb new things when we work on new projects.

Opportunities quote

12. Denying a child opportunity to education is simply depriving them of success.

Opportunity Window

12. Helping people develop their talent or realize an idea is one of the many opportunities you can extend to younger folks.


13. Amid pressure, never lose focus of opportunities ahead.

Gateway Opportunities

14. See your setbacks as an opportunity to come back stronger.

quotes about new opportunities

15. The ideal American dream is an opportunity to work hard at making your future successful.

Opportunities quote
It can only get better from here

16. It’s an opportunity to be a part of the new and emerging category of human existence.

Opportunity Window

17. It isn’t very pleasant to have an opportunity and not take advantage of it.


18. Blowing an opportunity is worse than receiving an undeserved opportunity.

Gateway Opportunities

19. Being human is an opportunity to experience all the wonders of the world.

quotes about new opportunities

20. Don’t shy away from opportunities to make substsntive changes in your career.

Opportunities quote
It can only get better from here

21. The big things in life have significant opportunity costs attached to them.

Opportunity Window

22. It’s an opportunity to contribute to the greater good.


23. Until you find an opportunity, a business is only a sprint.

Gateway Opportunities

24. It’s not as much about having great power as it is about using power for great ends.

quotes about new opportunities

25. Partnerships and collaborations are the best sources of opportunity.

Opportunities quote
It can only get better from here

26. The opportunity of today is the prosperity of tomorrow.

Opportunity Window

27. Without opportunity, our ability has little relevance.


28. Every morning brings you the opportunity to conquer your day.

Gateway Opportunities

29. One of the opportunities of fatherhood is being a part of new life’s development process.

quotes about new opportunities

30. Every woman wants the opportunity to love and be accepted in all aspects of womanhood.

Opportunities quote
It can only get better from here

31. Opportunity is never scarce to great minds.

Opportunity Window

32. When we see a challenge as an opportunity, we are already halfway to our destination.


33. An opportunity has no value unless we are prepared to seize it.

Gateway Opportunities

34. See failing as an opportunity to try again better.

quotes about new opportunities

35. It is possible for opportunities to be missed when you stop being positive.

Opportunities quote
It can only get better from here

36. It’s only an idle man that complains of having no opportunity.

Opportunity Window

37. Opportunity exists for only a few minutes and will disappear if you don’t obey your gut’s command to take it.


38. Opportunity and risk go hand in hand.

Gateway Opportunities
quotes about new opportunities

40. Overtime opportunity becomes luck if we let it.

Opportunities quote
It can only get better from here

41. Maximize an opportunity so you can receive another.

Opportunity Window

42. My main objective is to seize every opportunity that comes my way.


43. There are unlimited opportunities to have better lives, only if you can set it.

Gateway Opportunities

44. There are far more opportunities than there are talents.

quotes about new opportunities

45. When you pursue opportunities you have a better chance of achieving financial security.

Opportunities quote
It can only get better from here

46. Leadership provides opportunities to impact others positively.

Opportunity Window

47. You can never tell how great an individual can be without the right opportunities.


48. Opportunities never waits for anyone.

Gateway Opportunities

49. Most people will rarely see opportunity till it disappears.

quotes about new opportunities

50. A fair and just society opens opportunities to all,not considering class.

Opportunities quote
It can only get better from here

51. A closed mind cannot accommodate opportunity.

Opportunity Window

52. One can see opportunity without first accepting themselves.


53. Difficulties are opportunities for compassion and self-reflection.

Gateway Opportunities

54. See problems as personal teachers that allows moving from the past into possibilities.

quotes about new opportunities

55. Education opens up opportunities for inspiration.

Opportunities quote

56. Mistakes should be forgiven as an opportunity for a second chance.

Opportunity Window

57. Make detours an opportunity to try new things.


58. Don’t make mistakes for failures,learn from each failed opportunity.

Gateway Opportunities

59. If a leader provides an opportunity, the individuals are expected to contribute.

quotes about new opportunities

60. The opportunity to impart our wisdom to the younger generation transcends time

Opportunities quote
It can only get better from here

61. Acting prematurely and letting opportunities slip are the worst strategic mistakes to make.

Opportunity Window

62. Our abilities are equal, but our opportunities are not.


63. The great art of life lies in seizing the opportunities within our reach.

Gateway Opportunities

64. Danger and opportunity are inseparable.

quotes about new opportunities

65. Collective organizational success results from first giving individuals the opportunity to succeed personally.

Opportunities quote

66. Improve your communication skills at every given opportunity.

Opportunity Window

67. No matter how difficult the year must have been see every day as a new opportunity.


68. Those who give people the opportunity to do the right thing are rarely disappointed.

Gateway Opportunities

69. Forgiveness is an opportunity to be at peace with yourself and others.

quotes about new opportunities

70. The longer you deliberate on an opportunity, the higher your chances of losing it.

Opportunities quote
It can only get better from here

70. You should use effectively opportunities that allow you to use your voice.

Opportunity Window

71. Each interaction with people is an opportunity for training.


72. See the turbulence in life as an opportunity for change.

Gateway Opportunities

73. Don’t just open doors of opportunity when it presents itself, but also equip people to walk through them.

quotes about new opportunities

74. The world doesn’t owe you a living but the opportunity to make a living.

Opportunities quote

75. The key to happiness is to find what you are fitted to do and to find the opportunity to do it.

Opportunity Window

76. A wasted moment is squandered opportunity that cannot be replaced.


77. Apologies are opportunities to start your relationship again on a better note.

Gateway Opportunities

78. The failure of an industry is the potential opportunity for another.

quotes about new opportunities

79. It is education that opens doors of opportunity.

Opportunities quote

80. You have to let go of your ego to embrace the opportunity to learn more.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

81. The opportunity for development given to each individual will determine what is valuable in human society.


82. Knowledge is the power that controls opportunity and advancement.

Gateway Opportunities

83. The opportunity to become more comes from acquiring new knowledge.

quotes about new opportunities

84. Life presents great opportunities as big disasters sometimes.

Opportunities quote

85. Creating the future together is the opportunity we all have.

Opportunity Window

86. We will be successful if we learn to jump at opportunities as we jump to conclusions.


87. Take every opportunity as a learning experience.

Gateway Opportunities

88. Life offers us an opportunity to give back by becoming more than we ever imagined.

quotes about new opportunities

89. Opportunities arise from change.

Opportunities quote

90. Transitions are difficult but they are an opportunity to purge ,rethink priorities and establish new habits.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

91. You are not limited to the opportunities of where you live, get out of your comfort zone.


92. The opportunity to learn from everything makes you stronger.

Gateway Opportunities

93. Don’t get too caught up in the present, you may miss an opportunity to become who you want to be.

quotes about new opportunities

94. Being fortunate to have opportunities means making sure others also have them.

Opportunities quote

95. While chaos brings uncertainty, it can also spark creativity and growth.

Opportunity Window

96. A storm is an opportunity for pines and cypress to demonstrate their strength and stability.


97. Only if you are open to change can you get the most out of your talents.

Gateway Opportunities

98. The only thing that is secure on this planet is opportunity.

quotes about new opportunities

99. Success is about opportunity and choice.

Opportunities quote

100. You have the opportunity to change someones’s life every time you learn something new.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

101. Change happens when courageous, skilled leaders seize opportunities for improvement.


102. Opportunities dance with those already dancing.

Gateway Opportunities

103. The simple act of giving humans the opportunity to grow can result in untold abilities.

quotes about new opportunities

104. Quiet time alone is an opportunity to renew the mind.

Opportunities quote

105. Our greatest opportunity to develop into healthy people is knowing that we can be loved precisely as we are.

Opportunity Window

106. Opportunities are the rungs that makes it possible to climb the ladder of success.


107. You can’t take any opportunity for granted, prepare for it instead.

Gateway Opportunities

108. Globalization is a terrific opportunity.

quotes about new opportunities

109. Don’t expect an opportunity you are not ready for.

Opportunities quote

110. Those who initiate change will have a better chance of managing inevitable change.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

111. Find great opportunities where you are.


112. Opportunities never announce their presence.

Gateway Opportunities

113. A missed opportunity is the most expensive.

quotes about new opportunities

114. You have the opportunity to learn something new and become better every day.

Opportunities quote

115. There is no shame in jumping at opportunities, but there is shame in not attempting.

Opportunity Window

116. Giving people the opportunity to spread their wings is the best form of giving back to society.


117. A delayed decision could mean an opportunity missed forever.

Gateway Opportunities

118. Passing on opportunities will one day lead to regret.

quotes about new opportunities

119. Friendship is only an opportunity, but also a responsibility.

Opportunities quote

120. We all have the opportunity to contribute a better future for humanity.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

121. The opportunity to show kindness is always available for those who care to see it.


122. Life situations are opportunities to learn more about yourself and the best way to achieve your goals.

Gateway Opportunities

123. Education is a ladder of opportunity and also a future investment.

quotes about new opportunities

124. Every minute is an opportunity to change the world.

Opportunities quote

125. Each new day is an opportunity to put failures of yesterday behind and start over again.

Opportunity Window

126. It’s an opportunity to see the beauty in the little things of life.


127. Be grateful for the opportunity to be alive every morning.

Gateway Opportunities

128. Don’t just wish your problems away, look for the opportunities in it.

quotes about new opportunities

129. Let your mistakes strengthen you, it could be the opportunity to improve your next move.

Opportunities quote

130. We all have equal opportunities to succeed if only we work on our weaknesses.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

131. With the right perspective, bad times can offer an opportunity to start better.


132. Leadership is not an opportunity to satisfy your greed but a privilege to uplift others.

Gateway Opportunities

133. The opportunity to live life is a blessing beyond comprehension.

quotes about new opportunities

134. Seize the opportunity to get on the right side of your battles by thinking differently.

Opportunities quote

135. You should constantly look for opportunities and exploit change.

Opportunity Window

136. Block your fears, tackle your problems and make a move at every opportunity that presents itself.


137. Let the sky motivate you to seek vastness at every opportunity that comes your way.

Gateway Opportunities

138. Great mentors don’t create people into their image, they allow them to create themselves.

quotes about new opportunities

139. As you move upward, you will have the opportunity to move closer to the rich.

Opportunities quote

140. Great success depends on our readiness for opportunities when they come.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

141. Each one of us has the opportunity to write our own unique story everyday.


142. You don’t lose your youth as you age,it’s an opportunity you use your strength differently.

Gateway Opportunities

143. The opportunity to do more is the reward of hard work

quotes about new opportunities

144. Never let a serious crisis go to waste, it is an opportunity to prove your doubts wrong.

Opportunities quote

145. crisis’ is a chinese word that represents opportunity and danger, the choice is yours.

Opportunity Window

146. Milestones can only be reached when we rise above expectations and seize opportunities.


147. You have the opportunity to change every minute that passes.

Gateway Opportunities

148. Learning from problems and challenges allows you to invent and reinvent yourself.

quotes about new opportunities

149. Fortune is when preparation meet opportunity.

Opportunities quote

150. Never take for granted the opportunities to make a living out of the things you love.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

151. Our challenges and pressures are opportunities for us to rise.


152. Seize the opportunity to appreciate every moment before it passes.

Gateway Opportunities

153. Holidays are opportunities to switch on yoour reset mode.

quotes about new opportunities

154. Think of freedom as opportunity to do what is right, not what pleases you.

Opportunities quote

155. Don’t get wrapped in your circumstance, open yourself to opportunities.

Opportunity Window

156. Wait too long, and you’ll miss opportunities.


157. Always make more opportunities than you find.

Gateway Opportunities

158. We move farther away from opportunities every time we focus on the past.

quotes about new opportunities

159. Opportunity is always available for those who think big.

Opportunities quote

160. Taking risks is the best opportunity in the ever-changing world we live in.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

161. The missed opportunity of the past cannot be replaced by future diligence.


162. As we start a new day, we have the opportunity to embrace life’s events without fear of what lies ahead.

Gateway Opportunities

163. Complaints should be seen as opportunities, not obstacles.

quotes about new opportunities

164. Opportunity comes to all, but the secret to success in life is to seize it when it presents itself.

Opportunities quote

165. We all can choose the life we want.

Opportunity Window

166. Life isn’t perfect, but we can all get better everyday.


167. Entrepreneurs see opportunities everywhere they look while others see only problems.

Gateway Opportunities

168. It is impossible to recognize opportunities if we do not first recognize what we have.

quotes about new opportunities

169. Stop waiting for someone else to open up opportunities for you.

Opportunities quote

170. Inspire others on your journey to a fulfilled and rewarding life by becoming an opportunity magnet.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

171. The intellect you have will be of little use if you don’t collaborate with others to create opportunities.


172. Take the opportunities you receive in life instead of obligatory tasks.

Gateway Opportunities

173. Looking at what other people do does not allow us to see how valuable we are.

quotes about new opportunities

174. Every failure contains a hidden opportunity.

Opportunities quote

175. There is a good chance that your biggest opportunity is right in front of you.

Opportunity Window

176. Taking advantage of your current situation may be the key to your success.


177. Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one around the corner.

Gateway Opportunities

178. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of opportunities when they arise.

quotes about new opportunities

179. I missed so much, simply because i was afraid of missing it.

Opportunities quote

180. Look for opportunities; stop being a piece on the chessboard and become the player.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

181. Opportunities are everywhere, but you need to develop the vision to see them.


182. It is essential to keep an open mind to see opportunities.

Gateway Opportunities

183. Rather than looking for the right opportunity, create it yourself.

quotes about new opportunities

184. If you wait too long, you will miss opportunities.

Opportunities quote

185. Opportunities won’t always come your way, but excuses will.

Opportunity Window
It can only get better from here

186. Pessimists see the difficulties in opportunities; optimists see opportunities in difficulties.


187. Problems provide opportunities for victory.

Gateway Opportunities

188. Even if you aren’t sure how to handle an opportunity, say yes then learn later.

quotes about new opportunities

189. Hard work conceals opportunities, so most people don’t realize it when they see them.

Opportunities quote

190. Opportunities lies amid difficulty.

Opportunity Window

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